The GoOut! Service Center is the first point of contact for members of Saarland University who want to find out more about study- or work-related stays abroad. Whether you're looking to study abroad, or you'd like to undertake an internship or do doctoral research in another country, we can help you plan your stay abroad and navigate the wide range of funding opportunities available.
Study Abroad Day
Saarland University's Study Abroad Day gives you the chance to explore the broad range of international study and internship opportunities on offer and to find about the various funding options available. The next Study Abroad Day will be held on 19 November 2024.
We look forward to seeing you!
A presentation of the last Study Abroad Day is available here.
Alle Informationen zu den Summer Schools finden Sie auf der Webseite der Gastuniversität:
- Wann? Laufzeiten zwischen Juni 2025 und Juli 2025 (je nach Angebot)
- Wo? Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Was? Summer Schools zu ausgewählten Themen im Bereich Business and Economics, Tourismus, International Hospitality und Attractions Management
- Für wen? Studierende
- Kosten? Kursgebühren müssen entrichtet werden, es besteht die Möglichkeit ein early-bird ticket zu vergünstigten Preisen zu erhalten
- Anmeldung? Informationen zur Registrierung und den jeweiligen Deadlines werden auf der Webseite des Programms zur Verfügung gestellt.
More international mobility opportunities
Transform4Europe (T4EU)
The European University alliance 'Transform4Europe' is an alliance of ten universities from across Europe:
- University of Alicante (Spain)
- Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn (Estonia)
- University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland)
- Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria)
- University of Trieste (Italy)
- Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunus (Lithuania)
- Catholic University of Portugal in Lisbon (Portugal)
- University of Primorska (Slovenia)
- Université Jean Monnet in Saint Etienne (France)
- Saarland University
The T4EU alliance offers students and staff the opportunity to undertake short-term and longer-term stays at a partner university. Full details can be found on the Transform4Europe website.
The Go Out! Service Team is happy to advise you on mobility options within the T4EU university alliance.
More than 120,000 students currently study in the 'Greater Region’ – a part of Europe encompassing the German federal states Saarland and Rhineland Palatinate as well as Luxembourg, the French region of Lorraine and the Wallonia region of Belgium. Located in the heart of Europe, the University of the Greater Region (UniGR) is a flourishing alliance comprising Saarland University and universities in Lorraine, Luxembourg, Liège, Kaiserslautern and Trier. UniGR offers students opportunities to study in exciting cross-border academic programmes. To find out more about what the University of the Greater Region has to offer and about financial support for student mobility within the Greater Region, please visit the UniGR website.
Beratung und Kontakt
Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich an das GoOut! Service Center. Sie können einen Beratungstermin über das Buchungssystem vereinbaren.
GoOut! Service Center
International Office, Campuscenter, Geb. A4 4
Tel.: +49 681 302-71138