Work placements / internships abroad
Work placements, internships and traineeships abroad (in what follows simply 'internships') are an ideal opportunity for students to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom to real-life practical situations. Interns not only gain work experience in their field of study, they also develop and improve important intercultural skills. International internships are a valuable addition to any CV. They have been shown to increase employability in the national and international job markets and can lead to a higher starting salary. Whether you're thinking of undertaking an internship in Europe or further afield, the information you need can be found here.
Where can I do an internship?
We recommend following these steps when trying to find a host company or organization and when deciding on which country you want to go to:
- Choose a country based on your existing language skills. Bear in mind that in many countries there are companies and organizations whose working language is English, even though this is not the national language of the country you will be spending time in.
- Think about your possible future career path after graduation as this can help to narrow down the type of internship to apply for and help you identify suitable a host organization. You can submit a speculative application to relevant companies or organizations, or apply in response to a concrete advertisement or posting. You could start your search by looking at these websites:
Saarland University’s Career Center Erasmus internships - international internships - Take a look at the Saarland University web pages listed below to find specially curated information on internships in Europe and worldwide.
If you have any questions or would like advice, please get in touch with the GoOut! Service team or use our online appointment scheduler to book an appointment.
Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme for supporting mobility in the areas of education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Students interested in undertaking an internship abroad can receive support under Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ programme ('Learning Mobility of Individuals').
The Erasmus+ programme countries in which you can do an internship include all EU member states as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey.
Detailed information about internship opportunities under the Erasmus+ scheme, including information on application requirements, funding levels, recognition of credentials and the application process is available on our Erasmus+ internships web pages.
Since 2021, the Erasmus+ programme also offers funding for internships undertaken in countries that are not Erasmus+ programme countries. At Saarland University, this has typically but not exclusively been used to fund internships in the United Kingdom and in Switzerland. Funding rates for both countries are those for 'Group 1' countries. Students can also apply for top-up grants if eligible.
Important: Budget limitations mean that internships can be funded for no more than three months. The length of the internship can, however, extend beyond three months.
As the two options 'Internships in Erasmus+ programme countries' and 'Internships funded via the Erasmus+ International scheme' are jointly managed at Saarland University, further information on funding and on the application procedure is included on our
Internships in Erasmus+ programme countries web page.
We offer students information and advice on how to prepare for and fund an internship in the French-speaking countries of France, Luxembourg and Belgium.
For more detailed information, please refer to the French-German internships web page.
Outside Europe
There are numerous opportunities to work as an intern in a country outside Europe. Our web page on internship opportunities around the world provides a wealth of information on international work placements and internship positions (including funding opportunities).
If you're interested in gaining practical teaching experience abroad, take a look at our Student teaching abroad web page. (Please note that this information is only available in German.)
Die Sprachschhule KONTAKT CJO bietet Plätze für Sprach- und Kulturassistenten, sowie für Assitenz in digitalem Marketing/Grafikdesign und Fotografie.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der verlinkten Ausschreibung für Sprachassistenz und Ausschreibung für Digitales Marketing.
Die Eckdaten des Praktikums:
- Wann? Im Jahr 2024 und 2025
- Länge des Praktikums: Flexibel, zwischen 2 und 12 Monate.
- Wo? Poznań, Polen: Die Schule befindet sich im historischen Stadtzentrum, in der Nähe des Alten Marktes. Praktikanten können nach Polen kommen oder von ihrem Heimatland aus arbeiten
- Wer? Zielgruppe: Studierende der Studienfächer Sprachwissenschaften, Europastudien, Literatur, Kultur, Tourismus, Pädagogik, Lehramt usw.
- Was? z.B. Organisation und Unterstützung von sprachlichen und kulturellen Veranstaltungen, Aktivitäten; Gastvorträge über Ihr Land, Ihre Kultur und Traditionen halten, Organisation von Sprachworkshops und Kulturkursen
- Förderung? Eine Förderung durch Erasmus+ ist bei Erfüllen der Voraussetzungen auf Antrag möglich. Bitte informieren Sie sich auf der Webseite von Erasmus+ Praktikum
Ein freiwilliges Praktikum, Rettung von Meeresschildkröten an den Stränden Griechenlands, nähere Information entnehmen Sie dem Flyer.
Die Eckdaten des Praktikums:
- Wann? ab Mai 2025 für mindestens 4 Wochen auf 8 verschiedenen Stränden oder das ganze Jahr über im Rescue Center für mindestens 5 Wochen
- Wo? Griechenland 8 verschiedene Strände, oder ARCHELON's Sea Turtle Rescue Centre, Nähe Athen
- Wer? ab 18 Jahre, alle Fächer, gute Englischkenntnisse
- Was? Rettung von Meeresschlidkröten
- Vergütung? keine
Hotelpraktika auf den Kanarischen Inseln in Administration, Hotel Management, HR, Markerting, Sports.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in den verlinkten Ausschreibungen und im Flyer und unter:
Die Eckdaten des Praktikums:
- Wann? jederzeit
- Wo? Kanarische Inseln
- Wer? Studenten im Bereich Betriebswirtschaft, Tourismus, Sprachwissenschaften
- Was? Administration, Hotel Management, HR, Marketing, Sport
- Vergütung? Vergütung von ca. 150 €monatlich, Unterkunft und Verpflegung (drei Mahlzeiten pro Tag) inklusive
- Förderung? Eine Förderung durch Erasmus+ ist bei Erfüllen der Voraussetzungen auf Antrag möglich. Bitte informieren Sie sich auf der Webseite von Erasmus+ Praktikum.
GoOut! Service Center
Building A4 4 (Campus Center), ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-71126