Academic programmes
With its six specializations, the NT Faculty offers 11 Bachelor's programs, 11 Master's programs, 4 teacher training programs and one examination program. In each field, students can also take international variants of the degree programs in cooperation with a wide range of university locations.
We have over 1,500 students enrolled in our undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as various guest students, international exchange students, and nearly 650 doctoral students.
Bachelor's degrees
- Bachelor Plus MINT (B.Sc.)
- Bioinformatik (B.Sc.)
- Biologie (Human- und Molekularbiologie) (B.Sc.)
- Biophysik (B.Sc.)
- Chemie (B.Sc.)
- École Européenne d'Ingénieurs en Génie de Matériaux EEIGM (B.Sc.)
- Materialwissenschaft und Maschinenbau ATLANTIS (B.Sc.)
- Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik (B.Sc.)
- Physik (B.Sc.)
- Quantum Engineering (B.Sc.)
- Systems Engineering (B.Sc.)
Master's degrees
- Biophysik (M.Sc.)
- Biotechnologie (M.Sc.)
- Chemie (M.Sc.)
- Ecole Européenne d'Ingénieurs en Génie des Matériaux EEIGM (M.Sc.)
- Human- und Molekularbiologie (M.Sc.)
- Human- und Molekularbiologie international (M.Sc.)
- Materialchemie (M.Sc.)
- Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik (M.Sc.)
- Physik (M.Sc.)
- Quantum Engineering (M. Sc.)
- Systems Engineering (M.Sc.)
More information
Detailed information on all degree programs can be found on the faculty department websites.
Here you will find a list of all student advisors.