The habilitation procedure

Steps to habilitation: from application to venia legendi

The habilitation procedure begins with the application for acceptance as a habilitation candidate. After a public presentation, acceptance as a habilitation candidate by the faculty, successful interim evaluation, acceptance of the written habilitation performance, a scientific lecture or a teaching lecture (or in justified cases a scientific lecture and a teaching lecture), and the inaugural lecture, the procedure is concluded with the determination of the teaching qualification and the award of the teaching authorization (Venia Legendi).

Habilitation Regulations of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the UdS dated 14.10.2020

Forms and explanations

Inaugural lectures and presentations

Dates of introductory lectures, scientific lectures or inaugural lectures can be found under "News and Events".


If you have any questions, please contact:
Katja Therre (available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)
Tel: +49  681 302-4943 
habilitationen-nt(at) and dekanat-nt(at)