Guidelines for the establishment of independent junior research group leaders

At the UdS, independent junior research group leaders are defined as people who receive third-party funding in highly competitive funding programmes (especially Emmy Noether, BMBF, Helmholtz Junior Research Groups or Sofja Kovalevskaja Prize or ERC Starting Grant) on the basis of a selection procedure, but do not hold a (junior) professorship. They lead and supervise a group of prospective researchers while independently developing research projects. In addition to this personal responsibility in terms of content and personnel, they are also responsible for managing their own budget.
The UdS has issued guidelines for the organisation of independent junior research groups, which guarantee their independence and appropriate integration into the structures of the disciplines and faculties. For example, junior research group leaders may not be subject to any authority to issue directives, but are generally assigned to a professorship in organisational terms, which assumes the role of supervisor in purely administrative matters and ensures access to the necessary infrastructure. Participation in academic self-administration (e.g. committees and commissions) is supported. In particular, the junior research group leaders should be given the right to examine and award doctorates and be involved in teaching.
Finally, the UdS sees junior research group leadership as an academic qualification path and therefore offers appropriate support. Junior research group leaders can choose a mentor from within or outside their subject area. They also have the option of having a non-binding interim evaluation carried out as an orientation aid.
The guidelines are part of the programme for academic qualification, personnel development and career advancement of academic staff.