Guidelines for career planning

Towards the end of their doctoral project or in the period following its completion, academics usually find themselves in a decisive orientation phase with regard to their future career plans in academia, business or society. The requirements and opportunities of potential career paths are often very different and depend on the individual situation. It is only possible to switch between career paths at a relatively early stage. The orientation phase should therefore lead to a decision that is as informed and conscious as possible.
The UdS aims to promote awareness of this orientation phase and its importance among those affected, as well as the more advanced academics in their environment, and to work towards a well-founded decision by providing the best possible support. To this end, ‘Guidelines on the process of professional and career planning for UdS academics in early career phases’ have been issued. They contain recommendations for more experienced academics to support career orientation through discussions, involvement in networks and assistance in acquiring funding. Researchers in the orientation phase are given recommendations on the use of special further training and information offers for career orientation within the framework of the PROWIS programme.
The guidelines are part of the programme for academic qualification, personnel development and career support for academic staff.