

Am Institut für Anorganische Festkörperchemie existieren ein Vielzahl an elementanalytischen Verfahren und Messtechniken, die in zahlreichen Projekten sowie zur Materialcharakterisierung eingesetzt werden. Zusätzlich werden die analytischen Verfahren auch für Fragestellungen von Arbeitskreisen innerhalb der Universität aber auch für außeruniversitäre Einrichtungen eingesetzt.


siehe auch Arbeitsgruppe WASTe (Speziations- und Elementanalytik)


Methodenvielfalt des AFC im Bereich Elementanalytik

  • CHN-S Elementaranalyse
  • F-AAS (Flammen-Atom-Absorptions-Spektrometrie)
  • ICP-OES (Induktiv gekoppeltes Plasma - Optische Emissions-Spektrometrie)
  • ICP-MS (Induktiv gekoppeltes Plasma - Massen-Spektrometrie)
  • ICP-QQQ (Induktiv gekoppeltes Plasma - triple quadrupol - Massen-Spektrometrie)
  • CE-LIF (Kapillarelektrophorese mit Laser-induzierter Fluoreszenz)
  • Kopplungstechniken (CE-ICP-MS, HPLC-ICP-MS)
  • Kopplung von HPLC (Agilent 1100/1200) mit ICP-MS (Agilent 7500cx)
  • Kopplung von HPLC (Agilent 1100/1200) mit ICP-QQQ (Agilent 8900)



► Übersichtsartikel

1Kautenburger, R. (2014): Hochradioaktive Abfälle. Analytische Tools zur Suche nach einem geeigneten Endlager. GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift, 58(9), 38-41.
2Kautenburger, R. (2012): Geochemische Analytik: Endlager für radioaktiven Müll gesucht. Analytica PRO 2012, 59-60.
3Kautenburger R., Möser, C., & H.P. Beck (2012): Migration of Lanthanides and Uranium in Natural Clay Formations – From Mineral Suspensions to Compact Clays. In: Interaction and Transport of Actinides in Natural Clay rock with Consideration of Humic Substances and Clay Organic Compounds. (C.M. Marquardt, Ed.), KIT-SR 7633, Karlsruhe.
4Beck H.P. & R. Kautenburger (2011): Aktuelle Endlagerforschung in Deutschland. Magazin Forschung, Universität des Saarlandes, 1/2010, 34-37.
5Kautenburger, R. (2010): Endstation Tonstein? Nachrichten aus der Chemie 58 (Vol. 7/8), 751-756.

► Ausgewählte wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Auswahl an peer-reviewed Publikationen mit AAS, ICP-OES und ICP-MS


Auswahl an peer-reviewed Publikationen mit CHN


(Stand: 25.01.2025)

(1) Müller, D. W.; Pauly, C.; Brix, K.; Kautenburger, R.; Mücklich, F. Modifying the antibacterial performance of Cu surfaces by topographic patterning in the micro- and nanometer scale. Biomaterials Advances 2025, 169, 214184. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bioadv.2025.214184.

(2) Rittner, T.; Pusse, S.; Boßmann, B.; Staudt, K.; Haben, A.; Kautenburger, R.; Beck, H. P.; Gallei, M. Metallopolymer-based block copolymers for perfluorinated substances (PFAS) and ion removal. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2024, 12 (47), 19116-19129.
DOI: https//doi.org/10.1039/D4TC03546A.

(3) Michak, M.; Ruf, T.; Denecke, R.; Benndorf, C.; Haben, A.; Kautenburger, R.; Kohlmann, H. Crystal chemical investigations on TiU8S17 and U36Lu21S93I3 - ordered and disordered multinary uranium sulfides. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2024, 340, 124998. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssc.2024.124998.

(4) Haben, A.; Brix, K.; Bachmann, N.; Kautenburger, R. Sorption experiments as efficient as possible: Mini-column experiments (MCE) using HPLC-ICP-MS coupling with a new data analysis approach to determine sorption parameters. Microchemical Journal 2024, 206, 111511. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2024.111511.

(5) Rittner, T.; Kim, J.; Haben, A.; Kautenburger, R.; Janka, O.; Kim, J.; Gallei, M. One-pot Functionalization for the Preparation of Cobaltocene-Modified Redox-Responsive Porous Microparticles. Chemistry – A European Journal 2024, n/a (n/a), e202402338. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.202402338.

(6) Müller, D. W.; Josten, B.; Wältermann, S.; Pauly, C.; Slawik, S.; Brix, K.; Kautenburger, R.; Mücklich, F. Microstructure versus topography: the impact of crystallographic substrate modification during ultrashort pulsed direct laser interference patterning on the antibacterial properties of Cu. Frontiers in Materials 2024, 11, Original Research. DOI: https://10.3389/fmats.2024.1397937.

(7) Ahmed, A. S.; Müller, D. W.; Bruyère, S.; Holtsch, A.; Müller, F.; Brix, K.; Migot, S.; Kautenburger, R.; Jacobs, K.; Pierson, J. F.; et al. Antibacterial property alterations induced by low zinc content in laser-structured brass. Applied Surface Science 2024, 665, 160338. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2024.160338.

(8) Wissel, K.; Haben, A.; Küster, K.; Starke, U.; Kautenburger, R.; Ensinger, W.; Clemens, O. Direct Recycling of β-Li3PS4-Based All-Solid-State Li-Ion Batteries: Interactions of Electrode Materials and Electrolyte in a Dissolution-Based Separation Process. Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research 2024, n/a (n/a), 2300280. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/aesr.202300280.

(9) Waidha, A. I.; Salihovic, A.; Jacob, M.; Vanita, V.; Aktekin, B.; Brix, K.; Wissel, K.; Kautenburger, R.; Janek, J.; Ensinger, W.; et al. Recycling of All-Solid-State Li-ion Batteries: A Case Study of the Separation of Individual Components Within a System Composed of LTO, LLZTO and NMC**. ChemSusChem 2023, 16 (13), e202202361. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cssc.202202361.

(10) Ahmed, A. S.; Müller, D. W.; Bruyere, S.; Holtsch, A.; Müller, F.; Barrirero, J.; Brix, K.; Migot, S.; Kautenburger, R.; Jacobs, K.; et al. Surface Modification of Brass via Ultrashort Pulsed Direct Laser Interference Patterning and Its Effect on Bacteria-Substrate Interaction. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023, 15 (30), 36908-36921. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.3c04801.

(11) Engel, S.; Gießelmann, E. C. J.; Schank, L. E.; Heymann, G.; Brix, K.; Kautenburger, R.; Beck, H. P.; Janka, O. Theoretical and 27Al NMR Spectroscopic Investigations of Binary Intermetallic Alkaline-Earth Aluminides. Inorganic Chemistry 2023, 62 (10), 4260-4271. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c04391.

(12) Brix, K.; Haben, A.; Kautenburger, R. Time-Dependent Retention of a Mixture of Cs(I), Sm(III), Eu(III) and U(VI) as Waste Cocktail by Calcium Silicate Hydrate (C-S-H) Phases. Minerals 2023, 13 (12), 1469. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/min13121469.

(13) Siems, K.; Müller, D. W.; Maertens, L.; Ahmed, A.; Van Houdt, R.; Mancinelli, R. L.; Baur, S.; Brix, K.; Kautenburger, R.; Caplin, N.; et al. Testing Laser-Structured Antimicrobial Surfaces Under Space Conditions: The Design of the ISS Experiment BIOFILMS. Frontiers in Space Technologies 2022, 2 (14), Original Research. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/frspt.2021.773244.

(14) Kautenburger, R.; Brix, K.; Baur, S.; Sander, J. M. Development of mini column experiments (MCE) by coupling microliter flow HPLC with ICP-MS for the analysis of metal retention under conditions close to nature. Talanta Open 2022, 5, 100111. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talo.2022.100111.

(15) Baur, S.; Brix, K.; Feuerstein, A.; Janka, O.; Kautenburger, R. Retention of waste cocktail elements onto characterised calcium silicate hydrate (C–S–H) phases: A kinetic study under highly saline and hyperalkaline conditions. Applied Geochemistry 2022, 105319. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2022.105319.

(16) Müller, D. W.; Losslein, S.; Terriac, E.; Brix, K.; Siems, K.; Moeller, R.; Kautenburger, R.; Mucklich, F. Increasing Antibacterial Efficiency of Cu Surfaces by targeted Surface Functionalization via Ultrashort Pulsed Direct Laser Interference Patterning. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2021, 8 (5). DOI: https://10.1002/admi.202001656.

(17) Fischer, T.; Tschernig, T.; Drews, F.; Brix, K.; Meier, C.; Simon, M.; Kautenburger, R.; Schneider, M. siRNA delivery to macrophages using aspherical, nanostructured microparticles as delivery system for pulmonary administration. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 2021, 158, 284-293. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpb.2020.11.024.

(18) Brix, K.; Baur, S.; Haben, A.; Kautenburger, R. Building the bridge between U(VI) and Ca-bentonite – Influence of concentration, ionic strength, pH, clay composition and competing ions. Chemosphere 2021, 131445. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.131445.

(19) Harfoush, S. A.; Hannig, M.; Le, D. D.; Heck, S.; Leitner, M.; Omlor, A. J.; Tavernaro, I.; Kraegeloh, A.; Kautenburger, R.; Kickelbick, G.; et al. High-dose intranasal application of titanium dioxide nanoparticles induces the systemic uptakes and allergic airway inflammation in asthmatic mice. Respiratory Research 2020, 21 (1), 168. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12931-020-01386-0.

(20) Boulard, L.; Kautenburger, R. Short-term elemental release from Portland cement concrete in hypersaline leaching conaitions. Advances in Cement Research 2020, 32 (4), 148-157. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1680/jadcr.18.00085.

(21) Luo, J.; Hein, C.; Pierson, J.-F.; Mücklich, F. Localised corrosion attacks and oxide growth on copper in phosphate-buffered saline. Materials Characterization 2019, 158, 109985.

(22) Luo, J.; Hein, C.; Pierson, J.-F.; Mücklich, F. Early-stage corrosion, ion release, and the antibacterial effect of copper and cuprous oxide in physiological buffers: Phosphate-buffered saline vs Na-4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid. Biointerphases 2019, 14 (6), 061004.

(23) Luo, J.; Hein, C.; Ghanbaja, J.; Pierson, J.-F.; Mücklich, F. Bacteria accumulate copper ions and inhibit oxide formation on copper surface during antibacterial efficiency test. Micron 2019, 127, 102759.

(24) Kautenburger, R.; Brix, K.; Hein, C. Insights into the retention behaviour of europium(III) and uranium(VI) onto Opalinus Clay influenced by pore water composition, temperature, pH and organic compounds. Applied Geochemistry 2019, 109, 104404. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.104404.

(25) Harfoush, S.; Le, D.; Heck, S.; Leitner, M.; Omlor, A.; Hannig, M.; Kautenburger, R.; Kraegeloh, A.; Beilhack, A.; Nguyen, J. Effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on airway inflammation in experimental asthma model. Pneumologie 2019, 73 (S 01), P579.

(26) Brix, K.; Hein, C.; Haben, A.; Kautenburger, R. Adsorption of caesium on raw Ca-bentonite in high saline solutions: Influence of concentration, mineral composition, other radionuclides and modelling. Applied Clay Science 2019, 182, 105275. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clay.2019.105275.

(27) Sarkar, A.; Djenadic, R.; Wang, D.; Hein, C.; Kautenburger, R.; Clemens, O.; Hahn, H. Rare earth and transition metal based entropy stabilised perovskite type oxides. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2018, 38 (5), 2318-2327.

(28) Hahn, C.; Hans, M.; Hein, C.; Dennstedt, A.; Mücklich, F.; Rettberg, P.; Hellweg, C. E.; Leichert, L. I.; Rensing, C.; Moeller, R. Antimicrobial properties of ternary eutectic aluminum alloys. Biometals 2018, 31 (5), 759-770.

(29) Omlor, A. J.; Le, D. D.; Schlicker, J.; Hannig, M.; Ewen, R.; Heck, S.; Herr, C.; Kraegeloh, A.; Hein, C.; Kautenburger, R.; et al. Local Effects on Airway Inflammation and Systemic Uptake of 5 nm PEGylated and Citrated Gold Nanoparticles in Asthmatic Mice. Small 2017, 13 (10). DOI: 10.1002/smll.201603070.

(30) Luo, J.; Hein, C.; Mücklich, F.; Solioz, M. Killing of bacteria by copper, cadmium, and silver surfaces reveals relevant physicochemical parameters. Biointerphases 2017, 12 (2), 020301.

(31) Kautenburger, R.; Sander, J. M.; Hein, C. Europium (III) and Uranium (VI) complexation by natural organic matter (NOM): Effect of source. Electrophoresis 2017, 38 (6), 930-937.

(32) Hein, C.; Sander, J. M.; Kautenburger, R. New approach of a transient ICP-MS measurement method for samples with high salinity. Talanta 2017, 164, 477-482. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2016.06.059.

(33) Hahn, R.; Hein, C.; Sander, J. M.; Kautenburger, R. Complexation of europium and uranium with natural organic matter (NOM) in highly saline water matrices analysed by ultrafiltration and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Applied Geochemistry 2017, 78, 241-249.

(34) Hahn, C.; Hans, M.; Hein, C.; Mancinelli, R.; Mücklich, F.; Wirth, R.; Rettberg, P.; Hellweg, C.; Moeller, R. Pure and oxidized copper materials as potential antimicrobial surfaces for spaceflight activities. Astrobiology 2017, 17 (12), 1183-1191.

(35) Brix, K.; Hein, C.; Sander, J. M.; Kautenburger, R. Simultaneous quantification of iodine and high valent metals via ICP-MS under acidic conditions in complex matrices. Talanta 2017, 167, 532-536.

(36) Kohlmann, H.; Hein, C.; Kautenburger, R.; Hansen, T. C.; Ritter, C.; Doyle, S. Crystal structure of monoclinic samarium and cubic europium sesquioxides and bound coherent neutron scattering lengths of the isotopes Sm-154 and Eu-153. Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie-Crystalline Materials 2016, 231 (9), 517-523. DOI: 10.1515/zkri-2016-1984.

(37) Kautenburger, R.; Sander, J. M.; Hein, C. Europium (III) and Uranium (VI) complexation by natural organic matter (NOM): Effect of source. Electrophoresis 2016, Ahead of Print, 10.1002/elps.201600488. DOI: 10.1002/elps.201600488.

(38) Hahn, R.; Kunkel, N.; Hein, C.; Kautenburger, R.; Kohlmann, H. Recovery rate and homogeneity of doping europium into luminescent metal hydrides by chemical analysis. RSC Advances 2015, 5 (13), 9722-9726, Article. DOI: 10.1039/c4ra14076a Scopus.

(39) Kautenburger, R.; Hein, C.; Sander, J. M.; Beck, H. P. Influence of metal loading and humic acid functional groups on the complexation behavior of trivalent lanthanides analyzed by CE-ICP-MS. Analytica Chimica Acta 2014, 816, 50-59. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2014.01.044.

(40) Kautenburger, R. Hochradioaktive Abfälle - Analytische Tools zur Suche nach einem geeigneten Endlager. GIT Labor-Fachz. 2014, 58 (9), 38-41.

(41) Kautenburger, R. A new timescale dimension for migration experiments in clay: Proof of principle for the application of miniaturized clay column experiments (MCCE). Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 2014, 300 (1), 255-262, Article. DOI: 10.1007/s10967-014-3017-1 Scopus.

(42) Hein, C.; Sander, J. M.; Kautenburger, R. Speciation via Hyphenation Metal Speciation in Geological and Environmental Samples by CE-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques 2014.

(43) Hans, M.; Tamara, J. C.; Mathews, S.; Bax, B.; Hegetschweiler, A.; Kautenburger, R.; Solioz, M.; Mucklich, F. Laser cladding of stainless steel with a copper silver alloy to generate surfaces of high antimicrobial activity. Applied Surface Science 2014, 320, 195-199. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.09.069.

(44) Kautenburger, R.; Möser, C.; Beck, H. P. Migration of Lanthanides and Uranium in Natural Clay Formations - From Mineral Suspensions to Compact Clays. In Interaction and transport of actinides in natural clay rock with consideration of humic substances and clay organic compounds, KIT-7633 ed.; Marquardt, C., Ed.; KIT Scientific Publishing: 2012; Vol. KIT-7633, p 806.

(45) Kautenburger, R. Batch is bad? Leaching of Opalinus clay samples and ICP-MS determination of extracted elements (vol 26, pg 2089, 2011). Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 2012, 27 (12), 2138-2138.

(46) Kautenburger, R.; Beck, H. P. Influence of geochemical parameters on the sorption and desorption behaviour of europium and gadolinium onto kaolinite. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2010, 12 (6), 1295-1301. DOI: 10.1039/b914861b.

(47) Kautenburger, R. Endstation Tonstein? Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2010, 58 (7-8), 751-756. DOI: 10.1002/nadc.201073370.

(48) Kautenburger, R. Influence of metal concentration and the presence of competing cations on europium and gadolinium speciation with humic acid analysed by CE-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 2009, 24 (7), 934-938, 10.1039/B904107A. DOI: 10.1039/B904107A.

(49) Chatterjee, I.; Schmitt, S.; Batzilla, C. F.; Engelmann, S.; Keller, A.; Ring, M. W.; Kautenburger, R.; Ziebuhr, W.; Hecker, M.; Preissner, K. T.; et al. Staphylococcus aureus ClpC ATPase is a late growth phase effector of metabolism and persistence. Proteomics 2009, 9 (5), 1152-1176. DOI: 10.1002/pmic.200800586.

(50) Kautenburger, R.; Beck, H. P. Waste disposal in clay formations: influence of humic acid on the migration of heavy-metal pollutants. ChemSusChem 2008, 1 (4), 295-297, 10.1002/cssc.200800014. DOI: 10.1002/cssc.200800014.

(51) Tücks, A.; Beck, H. P. The photochromic effect of bismuth vanadate pigments: Investigations on the photochromic mechanism. Dyes and Pigments 2007, 72 (2), 163-177. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dyepig.2005.08.027.

(52) Morgenstern, B.; Kutzky, B.; Neis, C.; Stucky, S.; Hegetschweiler, K.; Garribba, E.; Micera, G. Synthesis and Characterization of Vanadium(IV) Complexes with cis-Inositol in Aqueous Solution and in the Solid-State. Inorganic Chemistry 2007, 46 (10), 3903-3915. DOI: 10.1021/ic0618504.

(53) Kazmaier, U.; Haehn, S.; Weiss, T. D.; Kautenburger, R.; Maier, W. F. Palladium-doped mixed oxides as 'slow-release' catalysts for suzuki couplings. Synlett 2007,  (16), 2579-2583. DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-986639.

(54) Kautenburger, R.; Beck, H. P. Complexation studies with lanthanides and humic acid analyzed by ultrafiltration and capillary electrophoresis-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 2007, 1159 (1–2), 75-80. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2007.03.092.

(55) Kautenburger, R.; Nowotka, K.; Beck, H. P. Online analysis of europium and gadolinium species complexed or uncomplexed with humic acid by capillary electrophoresis-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2006, 384 (6), 1416-1422, 10.1007/s00216-006-0299-3. DOI: 10.1007/s00216-006-0299-3.

(56) Weis, P.; Beck, H. P.; Günther, D. Characterizing ablation and aerosol generation during elemental fractionation on absorption modified lithium tetraborate glasses using LA-ICP-MS. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2005, 381 (1), 212-224. DOI: 10.1007/s00216-004-2947-9.

(57) Beck, H. P.; Zhang, B.; Bordeanu, A. Fluorimetric Determination of Free Cyanide by Flow-Injection Analysis. Analytical Letters 2003, 36 (10), 2211-2228. DOI: 10.1081/AL-120023712.

(58) Zhang, B.; Beck, H. P. A RAPID AND SENSITIVE METHOD FOR THE FLUORIMETRIC DETERMINATION OF PHOSPHATE BY FLOW-INJECTION. Analytical Letters 2001, 34 (15), 2721-2733. DOI: 10.1081/AL-100108418.

(59) Stöwe, K. Crystal structure, magnetic properties and band gap measurements of NdTe2-x (x=0.11(1)). Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials 2001, 216 (4), 215-224. DOI: doi:10.1524/zkri. (acccessed 2024-03-13).

(60) Morgenstern, B.; Sander, J.; Huch, V.; Hegetschweiler, K. Complexation of a Heptanuclear Polyoxotantalate Anion with K+:  Formation of a Supramolecular [K6-(μ-OH2)6-(OH2)8]6+ Ring Structure. Inorganic Chemistry 2001, 40 (20), 5307-5310. DOI: 10.1021/ic0010858.

(61) Mathur, S.; Veith, M.; Haas, M.; Shen, H.; Lecerf, N.; Huch, V.; Hüfner, S.; Haberkorn, R.; Beck, H. P.; Jilavi, M. Single-Source Sol-Gel Synthesis of Nanocrystalline ZnAl2O4: Structural and Optical Properties. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2001, 84 (9), 1921-1928. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1151-2916.2001.tb00938.x.

(62) Beck, H. P.; Eiser, W.; Haberkorn, R. Pitfalls in the synthesis of nanoscaled perovskite type compounds. Part II: Influence of different sol-gel preparation methods and characterization of nanoscaled mixed crystals of the type Ba1−xSrxTiO3 (0⩽x⩽1). Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2001, 21 (13), 2319-2323. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0955-2219(01)00209-6.

(63) Rabung, T.; Geckeis, Η.; Kim, J. I.; Beck, H. P. The Influence of Anionic Ligands on the Sorption Behaviour of Eu(III) on Natural Hematite. Radiochimica Acta 1998, 82 (s1), 243-248. DOI: doi:10.1524/ract.1998.82.special-issue.243 (acccessed 2024-03-13).

(64) Rabung, T.; Geckeis, H.; Kim, J.-I.; Beck, H. P. Sorption of Eu(III) on a Natural Hematite: Application of a Surface Complexation Model. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 1998, 208 (1), 153-161. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1006/jcis.1998.5788.

(65) Keuth, U.; Leinenbach, A.; Beck, H. P.; Wagner, H. Separation and characterization of humic acids and metal humates by electrophoretic methods. ELECTROPHORESIS 1998, 19 (7), 1091-1096. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/elps.1150190707.

(66) Beck, H. P.; Krause, W.; Wagner, H. Avoiding quality losses through the addition of Ca-hydroxide in recycling of ceramic bodies for skiving. Cfi-Ceramic Forum International 1998, 75 (1-2), 33-39.

(67) Siegwardt, L.; Glößner, V.; Boehm, A.; Schneider, M.; Gallei, M. Poly (4-vinylpyridine) and Poly (methacrylic acid) Particle Architectures for pH-Responsive and Mechanochromic Opal Films. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2024.

(68) Niedner, L.; Kickelbick, G. Amphiphilic Titania Janus Nanoparticles Containing Ionic Groups prepared in Oil-Water Pickering Emulsion. Nanoscale 2024.

(69) Hunsicker, M.; Ankur; Morgenstern, B.; Zimmer, M.; Scheschkewitz, D. Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane D3h‐(RSiO1. 5) 14. Chemistry–A European Journal 2024, e202303640.

(70) Oberhausen, B.; Plohl, A.; Niebuur, B.-J.; Diebels, S.; Jung, A.; Kraus, T.; Kickelbick, G. Self-Healing Iron Oxide Polyelectrolyte Nanocomposites: Influence of Particle Agglomeration and Water on Mechanical Properties. Nanomaterials 2023, 13 (23), 2983.

(71) Mohamed, M. A.; Arnold, S.; Janka, O.; Quade, A.; Schmauch, J.; Presser, V.; Kickelbick, G. Continuous wet chemical synthesis of Mo (C, N, O) x as anode materials for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2023, 11 (37), 19936-19954.

(72) Mohamed, M. A.; Arnold, S.; Janka, O.; Quade, A.; Presser, V.; Kickelbick, G. Self-Activation of Inorganic-Organic Hybrids Derived through Continuous Synthesis of Polyoxomolybdate and para-Phenylenediamine Enables Very High Lithium-Ion Storage Capacity. ChemSusChem 2023, 16 (7), e202202213. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cssc.202202213.

(73) Michaely, A.; Janka, O.; Gießelmann, E. C.; Haberkorn, R.; Wiedemann, H. T.; Kay, C. W.; Kickelbick, G. Black Titania and Niobia within Ten Minutes–Mechanochemical Reduction of Metal Oxides with Alkali Metal Hydrides. Chemistry–A European Journal 2023, 29 (29), e202300223.

(74) Klippel, N.; Jung, G.; Kickelbick, G. Hybrid inorganic-organic fluorescent silica nanoparticles—influence of dye binding modes on dye leaching. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 2023, 107 (1), 2-19. DOI: 10.1007/s10971-021-05578-y.

(75) Curto, Y.; Koch, M.; Kickelbick, G. Chemical and Structural Comparison of Different Commercial Food Supplements for Silicon Uptake. Solids 2023, 4 (1), 1-21.

(76) Bischoff, I.-A.; Morgenstern, B.; Zimmer, M.; Koldemir, A.; Pöttgen, R.; Schäfer, A. Bis (tetrelocenes)–fusing tetrelocenes into close proximity. Dalton Transactions 2023, 52 (47), 17928-17933.

(77) Staub, L. H.; Lambert, J.; Müller, C.; Morgenstern, B.; Zimmer, M.; Warken, J.; Koldemir, A.; Block, T.; Pöttgen, R.; Schäfer, A. Bis (di-tert-butylindenyl) tetrelocenes. Dalton Transactions 2022, 51 (28), 10714-10720.

(78) Demirer, T. I.; Morgenstern, B.; Andrada, D. M. Synthesis, Structure, and Bonding Analysis of Lewis Base and Lewis Acid/Base‐Stabilized Phosphanylgallanes. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2022, 2022 (34), e202200477.

(79) Briesenick, M.; Gallei, M.; Kickelbick, G. High-Refractive-Index Polysiloxanes Containing Naphthyl and Phenanthrenyl Groups and Their Thermally Cross-Linked Resins. Macromolecules 2022, 55 (11), 4675-4691. DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.2c00265.

(80) Winter, T.; Haider, W.; Schießer, A.; Presser, V.; Gallei, M.; Schäfer, A. Rings and Chains: Synthesis and Characterization of Polyferrocenylmethylene. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2021, 42 (9), 2000738.

(81) Oberhausen, B.; Kickelbick, G. Induction heating induced self-healing of nanocomposites based on surface-functionalized cationic iron oxide particles and polyelectrolytes. Nanoscale Advances 2021, 3 (19), 5589-5604.

(82) Lauk, S.; Zimmer, M.; Morgenstern, B.; Huch, V.; Müller, C.; Sitzmann, H.; Schäfer, A. Tetra-and pentaisopropylcyclopentadienyl complexes of group 15 elements. Organometallics 2021, 40 (5), 618-626.

(83) Klemmer, L.; Thömmes, A.-L.; Zimmer, M.; Huch, V.; Morgenstern, B.; Scheschkewitz, D. Metathesis of Ge= Ge double bonds. Nature Chemistry 2021, 13 (4), 373-377.

(84) Kannengießer, J.-F.; Briesenick, M.; Meier, D.; Huch, V.; Morgenstern, B.; Kickelbick, G. Synthesis and Hydrogen-Bond Patterns of Aryl-Group Substituted Silanediols and -triols from Alkoxy- and Chlorosilanes. Chemistry – A European Journal 2021, 27 (66), 16461-16476. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.202102729.

(85) He, S.; Kickelbick, G. Reversible diels–alder reactions with a fluorescent dye on the surface of magnetite nanoparticles. Molecules 2021, 26 (4), 877.

(86) Klein, T.; Kickelbick, G. Synthesis of submicron aluminum particles via thermal decomposition of alkyl aluminum precursors in the presence of metal seeds and their application in the formation of ruthenium aluminides. Nanotechnology 2020, 31 (26), 265605. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ab7ef5.

(87) Klein, T.; Kickelbick, G. Aluminum nanoparticle preparation via catalytic decomposition of alane adducts – influence of reaction parameters on nanoparticle size, morphology and reactivity. Dalton Transactions 2020, 49 (28), 9820-9834, 10.1039/D0DT01820A. DOI: 10.1039/D0DT01820A.

(88) Wirtz, L.; Jourdain, M.; Huch, V.; Zimmer, M.; Schäfer, A. Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Disiloxa [3] tetrelocenophanes. ACS omega 2019, 4 (19), 18355-18360.

(89) Müller, C.; Andrada, D. M.; Bischoff, I.-A.; Zimmer, M.; Huch, V.; Steinbrück, N.; Schäfer, A. Synthesis, Structure, and Bonding Analysis of Tin (II) Dihalide and Cyclopentadienyltin (II) Halide (Alkyl)(amino) carbene Complexes. Organometallics 2019, 38 (5), 1052-1061.

(90) Klemmer, L.; Kaiser, Y.; Huch, V.; Zimmer, M.; Scheschkewitz, D. Persistent digermenes with acyl and α‐chlorosilyl functionalities. Chemistry–A European Journal 2019, 25 (52), 12187-12195.

(91) Heinrich, C.; Niedner, L.; Oberhausen, B.; Kickelbick, G. Surface-Charged Zirconia Nanoparticles Prepared by Organophosphorus Surface Functionalization with Ammonium or Sulfonate Groups. Langmuir 2019, 35 (35), 11369-11379. DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b01093.

(92) Bischoff, I. A.; Müller, C.; Huch, V.; Zimmer, M.; Schäfer, A. Imidazolium Cyclopentadienide Salts and their Use as Cp‐Transfer Reagents. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2019, 2019 (14), 1941-1944.

(93) Zhao, H.; Klemmer, L.; Cowley, M. J.; Huch, V.; Zimmer, M.; Scheschkewitz, D. Reactivity of a Peraryl Cyclotrisilene (c‐Si3R4) Toward Chalcogens. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 2018, 644 (17), 999-1005.

(94) Schäfer, S.; Kickelbick, G. Diels–Alder reactions on surface-modified magnetite/maghemite nanoparticles: Application in self-healing nanocomposites. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2018, 1 (6), 2640-2652.

(95) Nieder, D.; Huch, V.; Yildiz, C. B.; Scheschkewitz, D. Regiodiscriminating Reactivity of Isolable NHC-Coordinated Disilenyl Germylene and Its Cyclic Isomer. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016, 138 (42), 13996-14005. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b07815.

(96) Ali, A. A.; Huch, V.; Aktas, C.; Veith, M. Cyclopentanolates of Aluminum Hydride/Aluminum Chloride forming Aluminum-Oxygen-Hetero-Cages and Mixed Coordination Oligomers. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 2016, 642 (18), 973-978. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/zaac.201600217.

(97) Engel, T. Inorganic building blocks for the synthesis of self-healing nanocomposites based on Diels-Alder reaction. 2015.

(98) Betke, A.; Kickelbick, G. Important reaction parameters in the synthesis of phenylphosphonic acid functionalized titania particles by reactive milling. New Journal of Chemistry 2014, 38 (3), 1264-1270.

(99) Betke, A.; Kickelbick, G. Long alkyl chain organophosphorus coupling agents for in situ surface functionalization by reactive milling. Inorganics 2014, 2 (3), 410-423.

(100) Mostaghaci, B.; Loretz, B.; Haberkorn, R.; Kickelbick, G.; Lehr, C.-M. One-step synthesis of nanosized and stable amino-functionalized calcium phosphate particles for DNA transfection. Chemistry of Materials 2013, 25 (18), 3667-3674.

(101) Fischer, A.; Ney, C.; Kickelbick, G. Synthesis of Surface‐Functionalized Titania Particles with Organophosphorus Coupling Agents by Reactive Milling. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 2013 (33), 5701-5707.

(102) Kazmaier, U.; Stolz, D.; Krämer, K.; Zumpe, F. L. Influences on the Regioselectivity of Palladium‐Catalyzed Allylic Alkylations. Chemistry–A European Journal 2008, 14 (4), 1322-1329.

(103) Krämer, M.; Schmidt, T.; Stöwe, K.; Maier, W. Structural and catalytic aspects of sol–gel derived copper manganese oxides as low-temperature CO oxidation catalyst. Applied Catalysis A: General 2006, 302 (2), 257-263.

(104) Niedner, L.; Kickelbick, G. Amphiphilic titania Janus nanoparticles containing ionic groups prepared in oil–water Pickering emulsion. Nanoscale 2024, 10.1039/D3NR04907H. DOI: 10.1039/D3NR04907H.

(105) Michaely, A.; Janka, O.; Gießelmann, E. C. J.; Haberkorn, R.; Wiedemann, H. T. A.; Kay, C. W. M.; Kickelbick, G. Black Titania and Niobia within Ten Minutes – Mechanochemical Reduction of Metal Oxides with Alkali Metal Hydrides. Chemistry – A European Journal 2023, 29 (29), e202300223. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.202300223.

(106) Bischoff, I.-A.; Morgenstern, B.; Zimmer, M.; Koldemir, A.; Pöttgen, R.; Schäfer, A. Bis(tetrelocenes) – fusing tetrelocenes into close proximity. Dalton Transactions 2023, 52 (47), 17928-17933, 10.1039/D3DT02664G. DOI: 10.1039/D3DT02664G.

(107) Abdirahman Mohamed, M.; Arnold, S.; Janka, O.; Quade, A.; Schmauch, J.; Presser, V.; Kickelbick, G. Continuous wet chemical synthesis of Mo(C,N,O)x as anode materials for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2023, 11 (37), 19936-19954, 10.1039/D3TA03340F. DOI: 10.1039/D3TA03340F.

(108) Staub, L. H.; Lambert, J.; Müller, C.; Morgenstern, B.; Zimmer, M.; Warken, J.; Koldemir, A.; Block, T.; Pöttgen, R.; Schäfer, A. Bis(di-tert-butylindenyl)tetrelocenes. Dalton Transactions 2022, 51 (28), 10714-10720, 10.1039/D2DT00582D. DOI: 10.1039/D2DT00582D.

(109) Demirer, T. I.; Morgenstern, B.; Andrada, D. M. Synthesis, Structure, and Bonding Analysis of Lewis Base and Lewis Acid/Base-Stabilized Phosphanylgallanes. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2022, 2022 (34), e202200477. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ejic.202200477.

(110) Wang, L.; Frisella, K.; Srimuk, P.; Janka, O.; Kickelbick, G.; Presser, V. Electrochemical lithium recovery with lithium iron phosphate: what causes performance degradation and how can we improve the stability? Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2021, 5 (12), 3124-3133, 10.1039/D1SE00450F. DOI: 10.1039/D1SE00450F.

(111) Danés, S.; Müller, C.; Wirtz, L.; Huch, V.; Block, T.; Pöttgen, R.; Schäfer, A.; Andrada, D. M. Bonding Situation in Stannocene and Plumbocene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes. Organometallics 2020, 39 (4), 516-527. DOI: 10.1021/acs.organomet.9b00667.

(112) Budak, Ö.; Geißler, M.; Becker, D.; Kruth, A.; Quade, A.; Haberkorn, R.; Kickelbick, G.; Etzold, B. J. M.; Presser, V. Carbide-Derived Niobium Pentoxide with Enhanced Charge Storage Capacity for Use as a Lithium-Ion Battery Electrode. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2020, 3 (5), 4275-4285. DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.9b02549.

(113) Wirtz, L.; Jourdain, M.; Huch, V.; Zimmer, M.; Schäfer, A. Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Disiloxa[3]tetrelocenophanes. ACS Omega 2019, 4 (19), 18355-18360. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.9b02605.

(114) Müller, C.; Andrada, D. M.; Bischoff, I.-A.; Zimmer, M.; Huch, V.; Steinbrück, N.; Schäfer, A. Synthesis, Structure, and Bonding Analysis of Tin(II) Dihalide and Cyclopentadienyltin(II) Halide (Alkyl)(amino)carbene Complexes. Organometallics 2019, 38 (5), 1052-1061. DOI: 10.1021/acs.organomet.8b00861.

(115) Klemmer, L.; Kaiser, Y.; Huch, V.; Zimmer, M.; Scheschkewitz, D. Persistent Digermenes with Acyl and α-Chlorosilyl Functionalities. Chemistry – A European Journal 2019, 25 (52), 12187-12195. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201902553.

(116) Krüner, B.; Odenwald, C.; Quade, A.; Kickelbick, G.; Presser, V. Influence of Nitrogen-Doping for Carbide-Derived Carbons on the Supercapacitor Performance in an Organic Electrolyte and an Ionic Liquid. Batteries & Supercaps 2018, 1 (4), 135-148. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/batt.201800051.