Cooperative study programmes

The perfect combination of theory and practice

In addition to an extensive range of full-time degree programmes, Saarland University also offers a number of cooperative study programmes that enable you to study, gain practical vocational training and earn money at the same time. Cooperative education means that in addition to periods of academic study, you will have periods of 'hands-on' vocational training during which you will acquire relevant practical experience and be given the opportunity to start working on your own assignments. Cooperative study programmes offer an attractive mix of academic and vocational education and the opportunity to earn money from the first day of the programme. The exact structure and content of the work experience phase depends on which cooperative education programme you choose. 

Places available on our cooperative study programmes 

Our cooperative study programmes

We currently offer cooperative study programmes in 'Preventive Healthcare and Health Management' and 'Business Informatics', with the periods of vocational training undertaken at the University Sports Center  or the University IT Centre (HIZ), respectively. 


Preventive Healthcare and Health Management

Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes at the University Sports Center

The University Sports Center is one of Saarland University's central and interdepartmental institutions and is located on the Saarbrücken campus. It organizes and manages the complete range of sporting activities for university students, employees and visitors. The work of the University Sports Center can be broken down into five main operational areas: the university gym Uni-Fit, the extensive programme of in-person sport and fitness courses, the programme of online sports and fitness activities, the 'Campus in Motion' fitness trail with outdoor exercise equipment, and the 'Uni in Bewegung' initiative that can help employees stay fit and healthy at work. The University Sports Center provides a wide range of recreational sporting options designed to keep members of the university fit and healthy.  

What a typical work day might look like 

  • Administrative duties: Email correspondence, phone reception, on-site communication. You will be in constant contact with students and staff members. As we have service users from around the world, you should have a good command of written and spoken English. 
  • Uni-Fit: You will assist the gym manager in the following functions: planning staff duty rosters; administrative tasks; sports coaching and coaching support services; public relations work, such as managing and updating our social media accounts. 

Key information at a glance: 

  • Degree programmes: B.A. Health Management, B.A. Sports Economics, B.A. Fitness Economics, B.A. Fitness Training, B.A. Nutrition Counselling, B.Sc. Sports and Health Informatics, M.A. Preventive Healthcare and Health Management, M.A. Fitness Economics, M.A. Sports Economics 
  • Duration: Bachelor's programmes: 7 semesters / 3.5 years 
  • Master's programmes: 4 semesters / 2 year 
  • Vocational training periods undertaken at: University Sports Center, Saarbrücken Campus 
  • Academic study periods undertaken at: Deutsche Hochschule für Prävention und Gesundheitsmanagement (DHfPG), Saarbrücken 

Programme schedule:  

Bachelor's programmes: The programme requires you to attend between 57 and 64 days of in-person classroom teaching in Saarbrücken. The vocational training phase of the programme is spent at the host company or host institution in which you will gain practical operational experience. Take a look at the DHfPG website for more information on the Bachelor's degree programmes or use the online self-assessment and programme finder 'Studyfinder' to find the degree programme that is right for you. 

Master’s programmes: In addition to the basic modules that you will need to complete, you can choose two specialist areas for inclusion in your study schedule. Every four to six weeks, you will join the other students for a week of in-person classes at the specified teaching location. During the Master's programme, you will be required to attend 30 to 34 days of in-person teaching in total. The academic assessments and examinations vary and range from homework, assignments and teaching demonstrations to written examinations. In the final part of the programme, students are required to write a Master's thesis. Take a look at the DHfPG website for more details on Master's programmes available. 

Fees: The monthly tuition fees of €330 (Bachelor's programme) or €390 (Master's programme) will be covered by the host company or institution. 

Soziale Arbeit

Bachelorstudium mit Schwerpunkt Sucht- und Sozialberatung

Die Sucht- und Sozialberatung ist eine Einrichtung der Universität des Saarlandes, welche an das Präsidium angegliedert ist. Sie befindet sich auf dem Campus in Saarbrücken und dient als Beratungsstelle für alle Mitarbeitenden. Das Beratungsangebot lässt sich in fünf Hauptgruppen gliedern: Entlastungsgespräche, Klinik- Arzt- bzw. Therapievermittlung, Vermittlungsgespräche, Fort- und Weiterbildung sowie Reha-Beratung. Ziel der Sucht- und Sozialberatung ist es, in einem vertrauensvollen und geschützten Rahmen die Gesunderhaltung aller Universitätsmitglieder zu unterstützen.

So können Sie sich Ihren Arbeitsalltag vorstellen:

  • Verwaltungsaufgaben: E-Mail-Verkehr, Telefonate, Vor-Ort-Kommunikation; Sie stehen im ständigen Kontakt mit den Mitarbeitenden der Universität sowie externer sozialer Einrichtungen.
  • Beratungsaufgaben: Entlastungsgespräche, Reha-Beratung, Klinik-Facharzt- sowie Therapievermittlung, Fort- und Weiterbildung, Vermittlungsgespräche. Ziel ist es, die Studierenden in die Beratung einzubinden.

Die wichtigsten Informationen zum dualen Studium im Überblick:

  • Studiengang: Bachelor of Arts Soziale Arbeit (Doppelabschluss – staatl. anerkannte*r Sozialarbeiter*in und Sozialpädagoge*in)
  • Dauer: 7 Semester / 3,5 Jahre
  • Ausbildungsort: Sucht- und Sozialberatung, Campus Saarbrücken
  • Studienort: IU in Erfurt (Virtueller Campus)
  • Ablauf: Es finden je 2 Vorlesungstage / Woche (20 Std) sowie 3 Präsenztage (20 Std.) im Kooperationsbetrieb statt.
Business Informatics

Bachelor's degree programme at the University IT Centre (HIZ)

The University IT Centre (HIZ) is the joint IT service provider for the University of Applied Sciences in Saarbrücken (htw saar) and Saarland University, providing full-service IT support to both institutions. HIZ provides students and staff with a highly efficient telephone and data communications network, operates the central data processing and communication servers and offers support services and software applications to ensure that teaching, research and administrative activities can run smoothly.  

What a typical work day might look like 

Theoretical aspects are taught in block mode at Saarland's cooperative education institution (Berufsakademie) in Neunkirchen. Students then deepen and learn to apply this knowledge at the University Computer Centre (HIZ). During the practical training periods at HIZ, students learn about the topics and operational activities specific to Saarland University and have the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge to solving practical problems. This combined approach to teaching and learning allows students to gain valuable work experience while still studying. Networking is another great advantage of the cooperative education formula, with students actively engaging and supporting each other throughout the programme. The theoretical modules provide students with a solid grounding in areas such as business processes, computer science, IT and project management as well as a variety of soft skills. The business informatics courses focus on the fundamentals of the subject and aim to provide students with a general overview of the field. Students gain insights into what it is like to work in the IT sector, which can help them later on to make an informed choice about their future career path. And thanks to the support and flexible working hours offered at Saarland University, students can organize their hours so that they have enough free time for friends, sports and other recreational activities.  

Key information at a glance: 

  • Duration: 6 semesters / 3 years 
  • Degree programme: Bachelor of Arts Business Informatics 
  • Vocational training periods undertaken at: University IT Centre (HIZ), Saarbrücken  
  • Academic study periods undertaken at: ASW Berufsakademie Saarland, Neunkirchen (Saar) 


This is what some of our employees say about the cooperative B.A. programme Business Informatics at HIZ: 

  • 'The cooperative study programme was a good way for me to start a Bachelor's degree programme after completing my apprenticeship while continuing to earn money.' – Bassam Maai 
  • 'It's the perfect combination of theory and practice and a great way of taking your first steps in the world of work. My next goal is to be hired and then continue studying for a Master's degree.' – Luigi Drago  
  • 'Studying for a Bachelor's degree while being paid and starting my career with practical work experience already under my belt was the ideal combination for me.' – Martin Henn 
Integrative nachhaltige Gebäudetechnik (in Kooperation mit der ASW - Akademie der Saarwirtschaft)

Bachelorstudium mit Praxisphase im Dezernat Facility Management

Das Dezernat Facility Management (kurz FM) ist für den Unterhalt und Betrieb der Liegenschaften und Gebäude auf den Campus Saarbrücken, Dudweiler und Homburg zuständig. Dazu zählt der Betrieb der gebäudetechnischen Anlagen an allen Standorten. Hierzu gehören neben den innerhalb der Gebäude befindlichen technischen Anlagen zur Versorgung mit allen geforderten Medien wie Wasser, Strom, Wärme, Kälte, Gas, Druckluft usw. auch der Betrieb von sicherheitsrelevanten Anlagen wie z. B. Brandmeldeanlagen. Weiterhin werden die universitätseigenen Ver- und Entsorgungsnetze für Fernwärme, Trinkwasser, Abwasser, Mittel und Niederspannung, sowie Fernmeldenetze auf dem Campus Saarbrücken durch das FM betrieben. Größere Projekte wie große Instandhaltungen, aber auch Baumaßnahmen im Rahmen von Berufungen von Professorinnen und Professoren, sowie Großgerätebeschaffungen werden zielgerichtet unter den Abteilungen des FM koordiniert und durchgeführt. Einen wichtigen Schwerpunkt bilden auch die Digitalisierungsaufgaben, sowohl im technischen als auch im Verwaltungsbereich des FM.

So können Sie sich Ihren Arbeitsalltag vorstellen:

Die Theoriephasen finden in Form von Blockunterricht an der Berufsakademie des Saarlandes in Neunkirchen (ASW) statt. Das bedeutet, dass Sie eine längere Phase an der ASW studieren und Ihr neu erlerntes Wissen anschließend ein paar Monate am Stück praktisch verfestigen können. In den praktischen Blöcken der Ausbildung werden verschiedene Themenfelder und verschiedene Tätigkeitsbereiche durchlaufen. In der Ausbildung durchlaufen Sie im betrieblichen Teil die verschiedenen Bereiche innerhalb des Facility Managements. Hier lernen Sie die Abläufe kennen und wenden das im Studium erworbene theoretische Wissen praktisch an

Die wichtigsten Informationen zum dualen Studium im Überblick:


Kathrin Henning
Tel.: 0681 302-2226


Still unsure?

Perhaps vocational training or a voluntary social year is an alternative: