Voluntary schemes, work placements and internships

Gain important work experience and a first-hand look behind the scenes
In addition to our traditional recruitment channels, Saarland University also offers opportunities within Germany's national FSJ voluntary work scheme as well as work placements and internships. To obtain one of these places, you will need to meet a number of conditions and criteria. Read on to learn more and see whether this sounds like it could be for you.
Voluntary year working on community or social projects (FSJ)
Since 2009, Saarland University has been providing voluntary work opportunities as part of Germany's FSJ scheme. These voluntary positions enable individuals to work on university-based community or social projects that are managed by recognized and experienced non-profit organizations. Would you like to get to know Saarland University as a volunteer? A year of voluntary service offers a great opportunity to gain a different perspective and a behind-the-scenes look at university life. The FSJ voluntary positions are primarily aimed at young people who have just obtained their higher education entrance qualification, but they are also open to anyone under 26 who is looking to take a new career path or to contribute to projects that have a social impact.
Offene Stellen für das Jahr 2025/2026:
- Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
- International Office-ZiS (Zentrum für internationale Studierende)
- Sportmedizin
- Chemie (Schüler*innenlabor "NanoBioLab")
- Physik (Schüler*innenlabor "Lab-in-a-Box")
- Flexi-Med-Kids
- Materialwissenschaft (Schüler*innenlabor "SAM")
- Systems Engineering (Schüler*innenlabore "SinnTec" und "RoboTec")
Besetzte Stellen für das Jahr 2025/26:
Requirements: To be eligible to join the FSJ voluntary scheme, you will need to have completed compulsory full-time education and be 26 or younger.
Duration: A voluntary year on the FSJ scheme typically lasts 12 months, but you can leave earlier if, say, you're due to start studying or take up an apprenticeship. Equally, you can apply to extend your FSJ volunteer period up to 18 months in total. Each position is subject to a probationary period of three months, at the end of which the decision to continue the voluntary year will be made by you and the unit or department in which you work.
Remuneration: Volunteers are paid a small monthly allowance. The right to receive child benefit payments and social insurance cover remains unaffected.
Cooperative arrangements: The FSJ volunteer positions at Saarland University are run in cooperation with various non-profit organizations. These organizations also offer a number of seminar days that provide volunteers with the opportunity to learn more about social issues and the different ways in which social services are delivered.
If you're interested in one or more of our FSJ volunteer positions, please send us your application by email to fsj(at)univw.uni-saarland.de or by post to the university's HR Division, and remember to specify which position(s) you are interested in.
There is no application deadline. Applications will be processed in order of receipt.
Work Placement / Internship
Are you interested in a work placement or internship position? Saarland University might have just what you're looking for! We offer different types of work placements and internships, such as work insight weeks for school students, voluntary internships or mandatory work experience periods that are a required part of your course of study. Please note that all internships and placements at Saarland University are unpaid. Information about the specific requirements and conditions for each different kind of work placement or internship are set out below.
Would you like to get a first impression of a particular field of work? Why not apply for a voluntary internship at Saarland University? The following conditions apply:
- The length of the internship must not exceed three months.
- This must be your first internship in the chosen field.
To enable us to draw up an internship agreement, please send us a letter of application, your curriculum vitae and tell us the dates in which you would like to undertake your internship.
If you are looking to complete a mandatory period of work experience to meet the requirements at a specialist secondary school (Fachoberschule), please send your application to the university's Human Resources Division, specifying the following information:
- The specialist field covered at your school
- The dates of the work experience period
- The knowledge to be acquired during your period of work experience
The HR Division will determine whether any suitable work experience positions are available at Saarland University and will contact you accordingly.
Are you studying for a degree and would like to complete your mandatory work placement / internship at Saarland University? If so, please contact the department or organizational unit of choice directly. Use the following link to find detailed information on the organizational structure of the university. The department or organizational unit in question will tell you whether it is possible to undertake an internship or work placement during the required period. If they are able to offer you a place, they will also specify which documents to enclose with your application.
The university's faculties offer work insight weeks lasting two or three weeks for school students who would like to complete their mandatory work experience period at Saarland University. Requirements:
If the school student is not yet eighteen, a declaration of consent must be signed by their parent(s) or guardian.
Proper supervision of the school student must be guaranteed during their period at the university.
A certificate regarding the mandatory work experience period issued by the school must be provided to the host department at the university.
If you would like to apply, please send your application to the faculty or department of choice. The following link provides further information about our six faculties.