Here you will find all the latest news and links that we link in our ⬆️ Bio ⬆️. Sometimes you have to scroll down a bit. Have fun!
Picobello 2025 - wast collection event on campus Saarbrücken
On 21 March 2025, our big waste collection event will start here on campus as part of this year's Picobello campaign.
Be part of it and register here via the links until 26 January:

Zertifikatskurse jetzt buchbar
Schon von unserem neuen Modulzertifikat gehört? 10 CP für deine Gesundheit! Jetzt informieren und gleich zu den Kursen anmelden:

Survey on Stud. Health promotion at the HBKsaar
Are you a student at the HBK and would like to see adequate health promotion at your university? Tell us!
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– NEW DATE 17 June – reanimation course – First Aid For All!
A walk in the park, an unconscious person, you are a first aider. What do you do?
In this workshop we will show you how to resuscitate efficiently and how to apply other life-saving techniques! Click here to register!
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Fahrradaktionstag am 28. Mai 2024
Von 11 bis 14 Uhr erwarten euch an der AC Wiese viele interessante Aktionen rund um das Thema Fahrrad!
Kommt vorbei und stimmt euch gemeinsam mit uns aufs STADTRADELN ein!

Stadtradeln 2024: Anmeldung ab sofort möglich!
Vom 2. bis 22. Juni gehen wir erneut gemeinsam als Uni-Team beim Stadtradeln an den Start. Du möchtest mit dabei sein? Dann melde dich gleich im Uni-Team an:
– Anmeldung beendet –

New course: More sustainable eating habits
Have you heard about our new sustainability-focussed nutrition course? Be one of the first to try out our new course! And best of all: you can count it towards your future fit4more health certificate! Register quickly, places are limited:
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Our student health survey is starting a new round!
Tell us how you're doing, help us adapt our programme to your needs and win some cool prizes along the way!
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Mit starken Nerven durch's Studium!
Studierende haben ein lockeres Leben? Von wegen!!!
Im November und Dezember 2023 finden erstmals unsere beiden neuen wöchentlichen Kurse "MentalStrategien – das Pflichtfach für starke Nerven im Studium" in Kooperation mit der Techniker Krankenkasse statt. Sichere dir schnell einen kostenfreien Platz im Kurs, denn die Anzahl der Plätze ist begrenzt!
– Anmeldung beendet –

New university sports courses
From 17.10.2023 you can register for the university sports programme of the winter semester.
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Every kilometre counts!
From 11 June to 1 July, we will be cycling together as a university team in the city cycling competition. Be part of the team! In addition, many other joint cycling activities await you. Here you can find more information about cycling, city cycling and how to register for the Uni Team!
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'cause it's YOU who matters!
"Unn?" -- "Gudd! Unn selbschd?" (saarlandian language)
--> This question is often not so easy to answer!
From 09.01. - 05.02. you have the opportunity to tell us how you REALLY feel! Take part in our Student Health Survey 2023 and win cool prizes:
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Christmas stress? Not with us!
You are still looking for ideas for more sustainable Christmas decorations and want to get active yourself? Then come to our DIY Café. There you will find great ideas as well as delicious fair trade coffee / tea and cookies.
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New courses start in November!
Our course offer key competencies4more is starting a new round. Register now for our new courses in cooperation with the Centre for Lifelong Learning.
Click here for the course overview

Trail running with a difference!
Do you like running and have always wanted to know how you can prepare yourself optimally for a longer run in terms of nutrition? Is the health aspect especially important to you? Then this is the right course for you! Running, optimal nutrition and natural regeneration are in the foreground here!
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My brain – My decision!
Under the motto "Turn on your mind!" a new workshop series of the Addiction and Social Counseling Service of the UdS in cooperation with fit4more - gesund studieren on the topic of addiction starts with this information event on July 20.
Curious? Then this way!
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ZelL courses in July: Only a few places still available!
Here you can find more information about the courses and registration:
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This is about you!
Do you also know these thoughts?
"Actually, I wanted to finally do some sports this weekend!" or "But now I really have to start studying!", maybe also "Actually, the housework should have been done long ago!" and finally "I wish I had started earlier!". Then this workshop is exactly what you need right now!
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The barbecue season is open!
Whether it's a swing barbecue or a grill, you'll rock any barbecue with our Quick & Healthy recipes!

Firmenlauf 2022
This year the university will start at the company run in Saarbrücken, which will take place on Friday, June 24, 2022. The start will be at 6:00 pm. Registration deadline is Monday, May 30, 2022 at 9:00 am.
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Need something to shut down?
mental fit4more has again effective workshops for you in May and June!
Click here for the overview and registration:
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May / June: Only a few places left!
Here you can find more information about the courses and registration:
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It is worth to be quick!
Student Health Survey 2022
We want to hear from you!
We would like to know something about your current state of health so that we can tailor our offers and events to your needs.
Take part! Tell us how you feel and, with a little luck, win one of many attractive prizes!
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Registration for the vacation program
On February 8, once again it's that time! The online registration for the university sports program financed by the AStA starts at 9:00 am.
For some courses you can even get a certificate of participation within the framework of fit4more. More information in the course description!
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