Das war STADTRADELN 2024

Drei Wochen lang radelten wir gegen andere Teams aus Saarbrücken um die Wette - die Ergebnisse findet ihr unten!



In simple terms, STADTRADELN is about cycling as many trips as possible in order to make them climate neutral. It doesn't matter if you have rarely cycled in the past and have just rediscovered your bikes or if you have always simply enjoyed cycling. Every single kilometer counts - especially if you would normally have traveled it by car!

For this reason, the STADTRADELN was created. In this competition, several teams in Saarbrücken compete against each other to see who can collect the most km in 21 days. And we need every single one of you so that our university comes out on top in the end!



Ergebnisse Stadtradeln 2024

Wow, einfach nur wow! Ihr habt euch dieses Jahr selbst übertroffen. Wir sagen Danke an 180 aktive Fahrradfahrer*innen, die in den 3 Wochen des Stadtradelns so fleißig Kilometer um Kilometer für unsere Universität und somit für unsere Umwelt gesammelt haben. Das sind 65 aktive Fahrer mehr als letztes Jahr! Gemeinsam radelten wireine Distanz von 34.611 km (!), womit wir knapp 8.000 km mehr als letztes Jahr gefahren sind! Damit belegten wir dieses Jahr auch einen starken 1. Platz innerhalb der Kommune und mit einem souveränen Vorsprung von ca. 20.000 km auf Platz 2. Neben der Zusammenfassung der UdS-Statistik findet ihr in den Bildern das Ranking der 10 besten Teams innerhalb der Kommune sowie die 10 fleißigsten Radfahrer*innen unseres Universitätsteams, unter denen wir erneut vier Fahrer*innen mit über 1.000 km haben!

Also nochmal vielen Dank fürs fleißige Radeln und wir freuen uns auf das nächste Jahr! Und tretet immer schön weiter in die Pedale!

Results STADTRADELN 2023

We would like to say thank you to 115 active cyclists who diligently covered kilometre after kilometre for our university and thus for our environment in the 3 weeks of the STADTRADELN and together cycled a distance of 26,124 km (!)! This put us in a strong 2nd place within the municipality and we were only "beaten" by ZF Friedrichshafen AG in Saarbrücken. In addition to the summary of the UdS statistics, you will find the ranking of the 10 best teams within the municipality as well as the 10 most hard-working cyclists in our university team, among whom we even have four cyclists with over 1,000 km!

So thanks again for cycling so hard and next year we'll take 1st place!

ADFC planning bike tour on 27.06.2023

On 27.06.2023, the ADFC Saar organised a planning bike tour from Saarbrücken city centre to the campus of Saarland University. The aim of the cycle tour was to discuss existing weaknesses in the cycling infrastructure on the route from the city centre to the UdS and to discuss possible improvements together. This was followed by a discussion round on the topic of cycling infrastructure around the campus, in which everyone was able to participate. We have captured a few impressions for you:



University Sports Center
Student Health Management
fit4more – healthy studying

Dr. Simone Flick 
+49 (0)681/302-57574

Project management & coordination


Cooperating partner

This project is sponsored by TK.