University Sports Online

- The target is to prevent or to compensate misloads resulting from our mainly sedentary work.
- The published exercises on mobilizing, strengthening and stretching have been selected on the basis of sport-scientific and medical insights.
- The exercises can be done directly at the workplace. For the exercises that are done in a sedentary position, please use a chair without rollers.
- In case of acute symptoms, please contact a doctor before doing the exercises.
Hier geht es zu:

Music and instructions are added to the videos published in YouTube. Of course, you can switch off the sound, if you don't want to disturb your colleagues. The instructions are faded-in.
If you wish to receive more information about the single topics, have a look at Theoretical basics (only available in German). You can also download the detailed description as pdf file (also only available in German).
You can also follow whole exercise programs for improving your physical problems and the safety at work when predominantly working in a sedentary position. Click here for the programs.
This prevention concept was developed by the University Sports Center in cooperation and financial support by the Stabsstelle Arbeitsschutz. From their perspective, the manifold exercises stand for a modern and holistic prevention approach. The Fit at work concept is meant to strengthen the individual health-relevant capabilities to prevent physical and psychical stressors.
Thus, the concept contributes to the University's health management in the field of movement. It is part of the already existing, manifold prevention courses of Uni in Bewegung and the health-oriented classes of the University Sports program in Saarbrücken and Homburg.
For content-related questions please contact the University Sports Team.