Healthy food4more!

Courses of the University Catering Service of the Studierendenwerk Saarland

Information about registration can be found under the respective event.



Click here for our "Quick & Healthy" recipes

... through the barbecue season!

Check out our delicious and healthy barbecue recipes here:

(Redirection to the Youtube channel of the Studierendenwerk; only in German language)

Rosemary-lemon marinade

Bulgur salad for hot summer days

Grilled vegetables 

Tasty Tzatziki dip

Tomato-Chili dip


Fried Mie-noodles with mixed vegetables

Missed the live cooking event?

No problem! Here you can watch the event again (only in German language):

Fried Mie-noodles with mixed vegetables

Have fun cooking alongside or after!

Christmas menu

Still no idea what to cook for Christmas?

Then we have a few tips for you!
With this 3-course Christmas menu you cook everyone under the table!

Starter: fresh lamb's lettuce with roasted chanterelles
Main course: Boeuf Bourguignon or Beetroot Bourguignon (veg.)
Dessert: Christmas tiramisu with pear compote

Christmas can be so delicious! Have fun cooking!

to the recipes

(Link to the Youtube channel of the Studierendenwerk)


Cocktail Tuesday

(Link to the Youtube channel of the Student Union)


Just missed:

Quick & healthy! Live-Cooking Event

Healthy food4more goes into the next round with "Quick & healthy".

"No time!" is no excuse!

In our live cooking event, we'll show you that lunch can also be prepared quickly and healthily and that it fits into every student's daily routine.
And this time we're going one better: you don't just have to watch, you can cook too.
You can decide what goes on your plate. Vote with us on Instagram (fit4more_uds)!
And this is how it works:

  • subscribe to us on Instagram (fit4more_uds)
  • vote (optional)
  • register for the event right here 
  • get the recipe on Instagram
  • go shopping
  • click in on 06/30 at 11:00 am and join the cooking!

Speakers: Andrej Kari - cook of the Studierendenwerk Saarland and our student Katharina Becker from the University Sports Center.

Frühstück - fertig - los!

Unter dem Motto „Schnell und (trotzdem) gesund“ zeigen wir euch, dass es zum Frühstück oder als Snack nicht immer Croissants, Plunderteilchen, Energiedrinks, Schokoriegel und Fleischkäsweck sein müssen.
Worauf es bei der wichtigsten Mahlzeit des Tages ankommt und wie ihr ohne Aufwand in nur wenigen Minuten ein ausgewogenes und gesundes Frühstück und/oder Snack zubereitet, mit dem ihr energiegeladen und leistungsstark in euren Studienalltag starten könnt, erfahrt ihr in unserem Live-Online-Vortrag am 16.06.2021 - 11:00 Uhr via MS Teams.

Referent: Patrick Adams, Leiter der Hochschulgastronomie – Studierendenwerk Saarland


Cooperating partner

With the kind support of
Techniker Krankenkasse