Visiting students

Visiting student theses and projects

The Chair of Systems Theory and Control Engineering maintains close research and teaching contacts in Germany and abroad. The resulting cooperations often include hosting students during their thesis stage or internships to provide practical experience.

The theses listed below were completed or include work conducted while visiting Saarbrücken. The Research Internships in Science and Engineering (RISE) are a program from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD in German) that supports the exchange of Bachelor students from North America, Great Britain, and Ireland (Link).

Completed Theses

Wheel-Mover (2018)
Stanislav Monakhov und Leonid Nord (Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Ukraine)

Modeling and identification of an electromagnetic bearing (2013)
Goran Huskić (University of Sarajevo, Bosnien und Herzegowina)

Conception, commande et contrôle d'un tricoptère (2012)
Harald Pillu (Ecole Centrale de Lille, Frankreich)

Commande sans capteur mécanique pour le moteur pas-à-pas (2009)
Christophe Fiter (Ecole Centrale de Lille, Frankreich)

Completed RISE Projects

Coordinated Multicopter Load Transport(Sommer 2017)
Clark Zha (Rice University, USA)

Communication System for Multicopter Coordination(Sommer 2015)
Russell Buchanan (McGill University, Kanada)

Continued development of the LSR tricopter (Sommer 2013)
Brett Bornhoft (Middle Tennessee State University, USA)

Development of a Real-Time Hardware for Shape Memory Alloy Actuators(Sommer 2012)
Matthew Dougan (Vanderbilt University, USA)

Tricopter State Estimation and Control (Sommer 2012)
Charles Blouin (University of Ottawa, Kanada)

Development of a Motor Driver (Sommer 2012)
Dennis Clyne (Lakehead University, Kanada)

Integrating a Real-Time Operating System into the Hardware of an Autonomous Unicycle (Sommer 2011)
Xingbo Wang (University of Toronto, Kanada)