Doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) are commonly used in wind power plants as they can be operated at variable rotor speeds and are able to provide reactive power. The grid connection of the machine stator as well as the rotor via a converter allows for a degree of freedom in the distribution of reactive power and therefore of losses in the system. This distribution is determined by the driving of the converter. An open-loop control algorithm that minimizes the overall system losses was developed making use of the differential flatness of the mathematical model of the plant.
The aim of this cooperation with ABB and Dr.-Ing. A. Gensior (TU Dresden) is to advance the theoretical control approach and to implement the algorithm in a real plant. This project is supported by the “ABB Research Grant Program 2013” as one of only 40 projects chosen from amongst 500 applications.
D. Kastelan, J. Rudolph, and A. Gensior, Stator-Flux-Linkage-Referenced Control and Online Optimization of a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator, in: 7th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG 2016), Vancouver, Canada, June 27-30, 2016. DOI
A. Gensior, T.M.P. Nguyen, J. Rudolph, and H. Güldner, Flatness-based loss optimization and control of a doubly fed induction generator system, IEEE Trans. Contr. Syst. Tech., 19, 1457-1466, 2011.
A. Gensior, J. Rudolph, and H. Güldner, Flachheitsbasierte Minimierung der Energieverluste und Reglerentwurf für eine doppeltgespeiste Asynchronmaschine mit Umrichtern, Sciences et Technologies de l'Automatique (e-sta), J. électr., 5, 1-11, 2008.