How do I write my own empirical study?

In this exercise by Prof. Dr. Daniela Braun, students will present and critically discuss their own empirical studies from the fields of European studies and political sociology. In addition to the presentation of the empirical studies to be prepared by the students, the exercise will give an introduction to the basic procedure of writing scientific papers. In this context, we will jointly address the following questions: Structure and form of a scientific paper, hypothesis formation, survey and evaluation problems, if necessary support with statistical analysis techniques in the context of empirical-quantitative studies. Attendance of the exercise is compulsory for all students whose scientific work is supervised by Prof. Braun. Participation is possible after personal pre-registration (gladly via e-mail: d.braun(at)

Literature for preparation

  • Gschwend, T. & Schimmelfennig, F. (Hrsg.). 2007. Forschungsdesign in der Politikwissenschaft. Probleme – Strategien – Anwendungen. Frankfurt: Campus.
  • Tausendpfund, M. (Hrsg). 2022. Forschungsstrategien in den Sozialwissenschaften. Eine Einführung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Tausendpfund, M. (Hrsg). 2021. Empirische Studien lesen. Einführung in die Praxis der quantitativen Sozialforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Teaching language: German