
Aufruf zur Einreichung von Beiträgen für DVPW-Tagung an der Universität des Saarlandes

Im März 2025 wird an der Universität des Saarlandes eine Tagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft abgehalten. Die Veranstaltung unter dem Titel „Citizen’s trust and societal polarization in times of transformation. Comparative Perspectives from different world regions“ untersucht eines der drängendsten Probleme repräsentativer Demokratien: Das Ver- bzw. Misstrauen der Bürger:innen in "ihr" politisches System, in Institutionen und Politiker:innen.

Call for Papers and Panels

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EPSA-Konferenz in Köln

Vom 4. bis 6. Juli 2024 hat die 14. jährliche Konferenz der European Political Science Association im MediaPark Köln stattfinden. Der Lehrstuhl Prof. Braun hat ebenfalls am Kongress teilgenommen und dort vier Vorträge halten. Außerdem hat Dr. Rosa Navarette an einer Panel-Diskussion zu Parteiprogrammen teilgenommen.

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International Political Science Conference: Emotional Dynamics of (In)security and Politics

At the conference (11-13 June 2024) the relationship between feelings of (in)security and emotional protection needs as well as the political responses to them will be examined. Prof. Bethany Albertson (The University of Texas at Austin) has been secured as keynote speaker and will give her lecture entitled ‘What Counts as Protection in an Age of Insecurity?’ on 11 June 2024 at 6 pm. The final lecture on 13 June will be given by Prof. Iryna Hubeladze (Institute for Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine) with the title ‘Sense of Security and Civic Responsibility: The Identity of Ukrainians in the Conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian War’.

Prof Daniela Braun will host the second panel. The event is organised by the Chair of Political Science and Comparative European Studies at Saarland University. There is no conference fee. If you have any questions, please contact the organising team Dr Beatriz Carbone and Prof. Dr Georg Wenzelburger.

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Djamila Jabra elected as ECIB spokesperson

From 20 to 22 March 2024, the 17th Early Career Conference on International Relations of the DVPW took place at the Academy for Political Education in Tutzing. Djamila Jabra, M.A. gave a presentation entitled "From Warnings to Wars - A Comprehensive Review of IPCC Reports on Climate and Conflicts" as part of her doctoral project. She was also elected to the team of speakers of the Early Career Group International Relations (ECIB).

ECIB on Twitter



Presentation of the "ProConEU" project at the Conference of European Affairs Ministers

On 20 March 2024, the project "ProConEU - Proponents and Opponents of the European Union: The Consequences of an Increasing Divide in Europe" of the BMBF funding line "Cohesion in Europe" will be presented at the meeting of the Standing Working Group of the Conference of European Affairs Ministers. The aim of the project, led by Prof Dr Daniela Braun, was to investigate the consequences of increasing division in and for Europe in the areas of party politics, the behaviour and attitudes of the electorate and the new social media.

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Talk by Prof Braun at the practical day of the Master of Public Policy programme at the University of Duisburg-Essen

At the practical day of the Master of Public Policy at the University of Duisburg-Essen on 6 March 2024, Prof. Daniela Braun will give a talk entitled "Elections in the EU: European Institutions, Parties and Policies". This will be followed by a discussion with the audience. The practical day with the topic "Super election year 2024: Elections in Germany, the EU and worldwide" will take place at the NRW School of Governance.

Full programme of the practical day



BGA European Committee event with Prof. Daniela Braun

The European Committee of the Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services (BGA), which represents the interests of the German economy, is organising a digital exchange on 5 March 2024 with Prof. Daniela Braun as keynote speaker.

The event, chaired by BGA Vice President and Committee Chairman Till Blässinger, will focus on the European elections on 9 June and questions about the future of the European Union: How must the EU be shaped so that trust in it grows again? How can we achieve long-term stability, less bureaucracy and a competitive economic area? The aim of the event is for as many companies as possible that are members of the BGA to enter into a constructive dialogue with the European level in order to increase interest in the elections and exchange views on current forecasts.

Further information (in German)



Policy webinar "Europe has the choice - programmes and economic perspectives for the future of Europe" with Prof. Dr. Daniela Braun

On Tuesday, 05.12.2023 from 10:00-16:00 there will be a policy webinar organised by ISWA on the above lecture. 

The webinar, organised by the Institute for Social and Economic Policy Education (ISWA), will focus on the upcoming European elections and the fundamental question: What are the priorities that European policy should focus on? Various topics will be discussed with experts from politics, business, science and the media. Prof. Dr Daniela Braun, Professor of Political Science with a focus on European Integration and International Relations at Saarland University, together with Dr Manuel Müller, ‍Senior Research Fellow at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) and founder of the blog The (European) Federalist, Helsinki (Finland), will discuss the topic of forecasts for majorities in the European Parliament - significance for decision-making, economic policy and Europe as a business location. 

Further information and registration



CEUS Conference "Border Regions as Laboratories for European Research"

On 9 and 10 October 2023, the interdisciplinary conference of the CEUS (Cluster for European Research) took place at the Villa Europa in Saarbrücken with the theme "Border Regions as Laboratories of European Research". The starting point was the assumption that Europe's political, social, legal, historical, cultural and linguistic fault lines become more prominent in inner-European border regions, as became clear, for example, during the so-called "refugee crisis" and the Corona pandemic, when border regions were particularly affected by controls or even border closures. However, quite independently of these crisis phases, it can be assumed that in such inner-European border regions certain developments that are given within Europe or the multi-level system of the EU are more prominent (e.g. support for politics in Europe; identification with the EU; European party politics).

Prof. Dr. Daniela Braun was the moderator of the conference and Dr. Rosa Navarrete, Dr. Giuseppe Carteny, Dr. Alex Hartland and Djamila Jabra, M.A. also participated from the chair team.

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Conference Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP) 2023

The Italian Political Science Association is a non-profit cultural association that aims to promote the development of political science in Italy, the exchange and collaboration of scholars of the discipline in Italy and abroad as well as the coordination of institutional structures for teaching and research. 
Dr. Giuseppe Carteny participated at the 2023 edition of the SISP Conference that took place in Genoa from 14-16 September 2023. He talked about “Parties’ fluctuation on the transitional divide: Structural change or Strategic Competition? Evidence from Euromanifestos (1979-2019)”.

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16th Pan-European Conference on International Relations

Djamila Jabra, M.A. attended the sixteenth Pan-European Conference on International Relations in Potsdam from 5-9 September 2023.
As part of her PhD, she gave a presentation entitled: "The Securitization of Climate Change - The German Case".

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General Conference European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)

The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) conference offers scholars across regional and national borders the opportunity to come together, present their research findings, exchange ideas with like-minded researchers and benefit from fascinating discussions and intense debates.
Dr Giuseppe Carteny attended the conference, which took place in Prague from 4-8 September 2023, and spoke on "Illiberal, authoritarian and 'inconsistent' democrats: A Cross-National Analysis of EU Citizens' Understanding of Democracy".

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Annual Conference of the DVPW Working Group on European and Regional Studies (AKER)

On 25 and 26 May 2023, the annual conference of the DVPW Working Group on European and Regional Studies (AKER) took place at Saarland University. The conference was entitled "Regional Integration Projects: Current Developments and Limits of Integration". 

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As part of the conference, a panel discussion on "Current developments and limits of (European) Integration" took place on 25 May from 17:30-19h.



EPSA XIII 2023 Glasgow

Dr. Alex Hartland attended EPSA’s 13th annual conference which took place in Glasgow, Scotland from 22-24 June 2023. The conference consisted of a mix of world-leading political science research, engagement through professional events, roundtables, and networking functions, and a wide social programme.

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ActEU Kick Off Meeting

The first meeting of all ACTEU partners took place on 28 March 2023 on the premises of the Fondation Universitaire in Brussels. TEPSA organised the internal meeting, at which both organisational and initial content-related topics were discussed. The kick-off was opened by Prof Dr Michael Kaeding (University of Duisburg-Essen/coordinator) and Prof Dr Daniela Braun (Saarland University, scientific director). Dr Alex Hartland from the chair team also took part.

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Lecture on „Eurosceptic parties and their political implications"

On 1 and 2 March 2023, the conference Castle Talks on Narratives on Borders in Europe took place, organised by the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence and the Jean Monnet Chair. 
Prof. Dr. Daniela Braun gave a lecture here on "Eurosceptic parties and their political implications".

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