Teaching and studies
In our research and teaching we deal with political science topics from the following two areas:
- European studies
- International relations with a special focus on Europe
We thus analyse a variety of different political science issues from a European perspective, paying particular attention to the multi-level structure of the European Union's political system. The Chair also has a research focus on politics - the actors and processes. Our research approach is always empirical-analytical, our analyses are primarily quantitative in nature. Examples of selected topics in which we are particularly interested include
- The political system of the European Union
- European elections
- Parties and the party system in Europe
- Population attitudes in Europe
- Voting behaviour in Europe
- Gender research
Information on studying abroad as part of your degree programme
Im Sommersemester 2025 werden an unserem Lehrstuhl folgende Veranstaltungen angeboten:
Regional- und Strukturpolitik in Europa
Europäische Integration und politische Instrumente
Legitimationsprobleme und Polarisierung in europäischen Gesellschaften
Quantitative Research in Political Science: How to Apply the Classical Toolbox
How to Analyse Digital Content for Political Science Research
In the winter semester 2024/2025 we provided the following courses:
Internationale Beziehungen (IB): Europäische Integration in der IB
International Relations: Challenges and opportunities to boost peace and security
In the summer semester 2024 we provided the following courses:
Die Europawahlen 2024: Themen, Parteien und Wähler*innen
Europäische Integration und politische Instrumente
Regional- und Strukturpolitik in Europa
Politikwissenschaftliches Kolloquium
Facetten der Vielfalt: Genderforschung und ihre Bedeutung für die Gesellschaft
In the winter semester 2023/2024 we provided the following courses:
Politische Legitimität in Europa in Zeiten zunehmender Polarisierung
Wie verfasse ich eine eigene empirische Studie?
In the summer semester 2023 we provided the following courses:
Europäische Integration und politische Instrumente
In the winter semester 2022/2023 we provided the following courses:
Geschlechter(un)gleichheit in demokratischen Gesellschaften
Wie funktioniert das politische System Deutschlands?