Excellence Programme for Women in Academia

The Excellence Programme offers talented early career women academics at Saarland University a varied range of specialist support services designed to help them achieve high-impact roles in the academic or business sectors.
The Excellence Programme for Women in Academia offers support and guidance to high-potential female academics at Saarland University and at the non-university research institutes on campus. Women who aim to take up leading roles in academia or in the private sector receive tailored support that will enable them to make full use of their skills and to realize their career potential.
The Excellence Programme offers opportunities for specialized training, mentoring and coaching, enabling participants to connect with other academics and researchers and thus broaden their professional networks at the regional, national and international levels.
The programme is aimed at doctoral students, post-docs, habilitation candidates, leaders of junior research groups, academics permitted to teach at professorial level (Privatdozentinnen) and junior professors. As a programme participant, you will join a select group of women academics and have the opportunity to make use of all that the programme has to offer for a period of three years.
Programme components
The Excellence Programme provides specialized training and support initiatives designed to advance the careers of early career women academics at Saarland University. The long-term goal of the programme is to increase the proportion of women holding leadership and other high-level positions in academia and the business sector. The programme aims to increase the proportion of women applying for professorial positions and to encourage them to plan and build their careers and to develop their professional networks.
The programme has four components:
1. Skills development and training
3. Mentoring
2. Coaching
4. Networking
Project lead
Gender Equality Officer at Saarland University
Dr. Sybille Jung
Phone: +49 681 302-4795
Email: sybille.jung(at)uni-saarland.de
Coordination and project implementation
Svenja Burmann, Dipl. KuWi
Phone: +49 681 302-4966
Fax: +49 681 302-4794
Email: svenja.burmann(at)uni-saarland.de
Gender Equality Office at Saarland University
Building C3 1 (Annex)
Postfach 15 11 50

This project is funded by:
Saarland Ministry of Health, Social Affairs, Women and the Family (MSGFF) and
the Saarland State Chancellery.