Advice, counselling and services

Personal consultations
The gender equality officer offers advice to university employees, students and members of the LGBTQIA* community, on all relevant study and workplace issues (funding opportunities, balancing work-life commitments, discrimination, etc.). If you would like to discuss matters in a personal consultation, please arrange an appointment by email (gleichstellung(at) or by phone (+49 681 302-4795).
For more information on dealing with sexual discrimination, harassment and assault, please visit our dedicated web page.
Additional services offered by the Gender Equality Office
Azubitalk (monthly discussion forum for trainees and apprentices)
more Azubitalk (monthly discussion forum for trainees and apprentices) -
Gender consulting service
more Gender consulting service
Further advisory and support services at Saarland University
Study-related issues: Admissions Office Central Student Advisory Service General Student Committee (AStA) | Studying with a disability: Support Service for Students with Disabilities (KSB) Balancing work, study and family commitments: Family Office |
Information and counselling services for challenging life situations Addiction Counselling and Social Welfare Officer Mental Health Counselling Service (PPB) | Employment-related issues Academic Staff Council Administrative and Technical Staff Council |
The university's career continuity scheme is designed to help women return to academic research work immediately after a period of maternity leave. Women on the scheme receive an employment contract for a maximum of six months that allows them to work 10 hours a week immediately after their period of maternity leave (pay grade E13 as per the TV-L collective agreement (Collective Agreement on Remuneration of Public Sector Employees in the German Länder)). The scheme reduces the risk of women dropping out of academic research by enabling them to maintain contact with their department or institute, stay connected to other members of their team and carry out any management or supervisory tasks or other responsibilities. The career continuity scheme also yields benefits for the relevant department or institute.
Pregnant employees who need to take a rest break during the working day can make free use of a comfortable lounger provided by the university's Occupational Safety Unit in accordance with Sec. 9(3) of the Federal Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG).
- Building A1 3 Psychology: Folding changing table in the women's toilet facilities (level 2)
- Building A3 1 Catholic Students Association: Folding changing table in the disabled toilet
- Building A4 4 Campus Center: Changing table in the disabled toilet
- Building B1 1 SULB (Saarland University and State Library): Baby changing room in the disabled toilet (level 0 / ground floor); Quiet/Breastfeeding room and a parent and child study area (level 1)
- Building C3 1 Gender Equality Office: Baby changing table
- Building C5 4 Language Centre: Folding changing table in the disabled toilet
- Building D4 1 Mensa: Changing table in the toilet facilities on level 0 (ground floor)
- Building E1 1 Computer Science: Room U16 (level -1, basement) (the key is available from the faculty management office (room 210) in building E1 3)
- Building E2 5 Mathematics: Room E32 Breastfeeding room and quiet room (during the morning, the key is available from Ms Voss (room 111, level 0) and in the afternoon from Ms Günther (room 304, level 2))
- The University Sports Center regularly offers self-defence classes as part of its sports and activities programme.
- In cooperation with the State Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA), the member clubs within Saarland's Jujutsu Association run self-defence and assertiveness classes that are taught by specially trained instructors.
- The Saarbrücken office of the German Child Protection Association (Deutscher Kinderschutzbund) offers assertiveness and self-defence courses for boys and girls.
Crisis hotline 'Frauennotruf Saarland'
Support and counselling hotline for women affected by rape, sexual abuse, domestic violence and other forms of harassment: 0681 36767
Family and relationship counselling service (Diakonie)
(Diakonie Deutschland – a charity funded by the Protestant churches in Germany)
Tel.: +49 681 65722, 65743
Social welfare advisory and counselling service (AWO)
(AWO – an unaffiliated non-profit welfare organization)
Tel.: +49 681 58605-54
Family, marital and relationship counselling service (Caritas, Diocese of Trier)
(Deutscher Caritasverband – a charity funded by the Catholic Church in Germany)
Tel.: +49 681 66704
Confidential forensic medical examinations after sexual assault
Emergency medical assistance and confidential forensic examinations in selected clinics and medical practices. For more information and other useful addresses, please visit:
If you have been sexually assaulted, a confidential and safe forensic medical examination can be carried out irrespective of whether you decide to report the assault to the police. The medical examination can provide important forensic evidence should you decide to press charges at a later date.
Tel.: +49 681 844944
Saarbrücken: | pro familia Local Health Authority – Saarbrücken |
Homburg: | Local Health Authority – Saarpfalz District |
Neunkirchen: | pro familia |
Merzig: | Local Health Authority – Merzig-Wadern District |