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- Navarrete, Rosa: “Social Media, Misinformation, and Attitudes Towards Democracy in Germany During the Covid-19 Pandemic” German politics
- Hartland, Alex: “Quality not quantity: Lobbying institutions and the influence of asylum rights groups.”The British Journal of Politics and International Relations
- Puleo, Leonardo, Daniela Braun, Ann-Kathrin Reinl & Eftichia Teperoglou: “Another sleeping giant? Environmental issue preferences in the 2019 European Parliament elections” West European Politics
- Navarrete, Rosa & Joan Enguer: "Challenging Europe: How AntiEU Parties Use Opposition to Environmental Protection as a Way to Confront with the EU" Socioecos
- Puleo, Leonardo, Giuseppe Carteny & Gianluca Piccolino: "Giorgia on their minds: Vote switching to Fratelli d’Italia in the Italian general election of 2022" Party Politics
- Schröder, Martin, Daniela Braun, Katrin Luisa Grimm, Martin Ulrich & Georg Wenzelburger: "A matter of time, not generations: rising emotional attachment to the European Union 1991–2023. An age period cohort analysis" Journal of European Public Policy
- Braun, Daniela & Ann-Kathrin Reinl: "The Spitzenkandidaten Process in the Context of the EP Campaign: The Role of Party Competition" The Politicisation of the European Commission’s Presidency
- Reinl, Ann-Kathrin & Daniela Braun: "Wen kümmert schon Europa? Über das öffentliche Meinungsbild zur Europäischen Union und ihren Wahlen" BPB
- Braun, Daniela & Giuseppe Carteny: “How Does Eurosceptic Party Consolidation Transform Party Competition Over European Issues?” PVS
- Braun, Daniela & Michael Kaeding: “Politisches Vertrauen in Europa im Kontext von Mehrebenenstruktur und Polarisierung: Konzeptionelle Überlegungen” integration
- Braun, Daniela & Ann-Kathrin Reinl: “Political Parties’ Emphasis on Sovereignty in Crisis Times for Europe" Transformation Processes in Europe and Beyond
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- Joan Enguer & Rosa M. Navarrete: Protecting the climate to challenge the centre? Secessionism and climate policy preferences in Catalonia. Regional & Federal Studies. sept
- Ackermann, Kathrin, Daniela Braun, Matthias Fatke & Nayla Fawzi: "Direct democracy, political support and populism - attitudinal patterns in the German Bundesländer" Regional & Federal Studies mai
- Navarrete, Rosa M. and Marc Debus: The Importance of EU Issues in German Elections in: Marina Cosa Lobo (ed.) The Impact of EU Politicisation on Voting Behaviour in Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
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- Braun, Daniela: Pan-European parties. In: Graziano, Paolo R. and Jale Tosun (eds.): Elgar Encyclopedia of European Union Public Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing: pp. 586-594.
- Reinl, Ann-Kathrin & Daniela Braun: "Who holds the union together?" European Union Politics