Saarland Graduate Funding Programme (GraduSaar)

Applications for scholarships are now being accepted

A fundamental challenge for any doctoral research or artistic project is finding suitable funding for the proposed activity. The higher education institutions in Saarland have recently established the Saarland Graduate Funding Programme (GraduSaar), which offers scholarships to suitably qualified graduates seeking funding for a scientific, scholarly or artistic project. GraduSaar provides financial support for projects in the arts and sciences at the following universities in Saarland:

A particular feature of the restructured graduate funding programme is to encourage joint supervision arrangements in which doctoral research students are cooperatively supervised by research advisers from more than one university. However, the scholarship programme is open to other (prospective) doctoral students and to young creatives and emerging artists at the participating arts institutions (HfM Saar and HBKsaar).

In addition to the scholarship programme, the GraduSaar initiative also provides scholarship holders with the opportunity to receive special payments to cover relevant travel expenses and the costs of materials and equipment. Scholarship holders at the participating universities also benefit from the joint GraduSaar skill enhancement and networking scheme that enables them to acquire key skills for their academic, personal and professional development.


Application deadline

Applications for scholarships can be submitted until the application deadline on 15 May of the current year. For more information, please refer to the FAQs below.

The amount of the scholarship is € 1,350 per month as of 1st June 2023.


Who can apply?
  • Doctoral studies scholarship:
    Graduates who have completed a university degree that entitles them to seek admission to a doctoral studies programme and whose proposed research project represents a significant potential contribution to their respective field of research.
  • Scholarships for artistic and creative projects:
    Graduates from HfM Saar or HBKsaar who have attained an above-average university qualification. The proposed project must be approved by the respective university and should have the potential to contribute meaningfully to the development of artistic forms and modes of expression. Funding may also be awarded to foster the development of candidates with outstanding artistic aptitude and skill.
  • The proposed scientific, scholarly or artistic project must be carried out at one of the participating universities.
  • GraduSaar funding cannot be provided if funding from other sources has already been acquired for the same purpose.
  • For more detailed information, please refer to the Graduate Funding Regulation.
What kinds of scholarships are there?
  • Basic scholarship:
    A basic scholarship is awarded to support a scientific, scholarly or artistic project from its inception.
  • Project completion scholarship:
    A project completion scholarship is awarded to support scientific, scholarly or artistic projects that are likely to be completed within one year.
  • Other scholarship:
    Where reasonable grounds exist, other scholarships may be awarded to provide start-up financing for a scientific, scholarly or artistic project or to provide interim financing to bridge a funding gap in a scientific, scholarly or artistic project that is already underway.
  • For more detailed information, please refer to the Graduate Funding Regulation.
How do I apply?
  • You can send us your application via the online application form. The application deadlines is 15 May.
  • Please enter the following information on the application form: personal details, educational history and details of your proposed scientific, scholarly or artistic project.
  • You will also need to submit the following supporting documents:
    • Personal statement explaining why you require financial assistance
    • If you have dependent children, please provide proof of your family circumstances.
    • If applicable, proof of your financial circumstances (as detailed in Section 8 of the Graduate Funding Regulation)
    • Copy of your identity card, passport or comparable proof of identity
    • CV / résumé
    • Copies of relevant academic qualifications
    • Outline of your proposed project (work/research plan and schedule) – do not exceed 10 A4 pages
    • Project supervision agreement, i.e. written consent from a member of university staff who is entitled to provide academic/artistic supervision (as defined in the relevant doctoral degree regulations or, in the case of artistic projects, the applicable regulations at the relevant university)
    • Two letters of recommendation, one of which must be from a member of one of the participating universities
    • Where appropriate, additional proof that you are suitably qualified to undertake the proposed artistic project (e.g. academic credentials, proof of artistic aptitude/accomplishments, experience and skills acquired or demonstrated within or outside of an art college or art academy
    • If you undertake secondary employment whose scope exceeds that defined as ‘marginal employment’ in German law (geringfügige Beschäftigung), your supervisor must confirm that your secondary employment activities are compatible with the proposed scientific, scholarly or artistic project (see Section 7 of the Graduate Funding Regulation).
  • We recommend that applicants submit their applications via the online application form. If you wish to send your application by post, you can download and complete the scholarship application form. Please note: If you prefer to send the application by post, you will need to fill in the German form, but you can refer to the English translation for guidance.
  • For more detailed information, please refer to the Graduate Funding Regulation.
What are the funding or selection criteria?
  • The funding awards are made by a selection committee whose members are drawn from the participating universities.
  • The selection committee will review the applications and choose the best candidates based on each candidate’s personal aptitude and on an expert appraisal of their abilities and achievements in the field. Personal aptitude is determined primarily by the applicant’s ability to undertake fundamental but also applied scientific, scholarly or artistic work, as well as by the quality of the applicant’s previous academic credentials.
  • The decision to award funding will also take into account the reasons why a candidate requires financial support for the proposed scientific, scholarly or artistic project.
  • For more detailed information, please refer to the Graduate Funding Regulation.
What is the monthly rate of the scholarship?
  • The amount of the scholarship is € 1,350 per month as of 1st June 2023.
  • The amount of the scholarship increases for each child of the scholarship holder by the amount of the child benefit that is regulated by the "Bundeskindergeldgesetz" (Federal Child Benefit Act).
  • The amount of the award may be reduced if the scholarship holder has other income. However, this does not apply for approved forms of secondary employment (see below for further information). Any payments received from the central student loans programme (BAföG) will be assessed in full and the scholarship award reduced accordingly.
  • For more detailed information, please refer to the Graduate Funding Regulation.
How long does the scholarship last?
  • The funding duration is
    • two years for a basic scholarship
    • one year for a project completion scholarship
    • no more than six months for other types of scholarship
  • If the status of a project is such that continued funding can be justified, holders of a basic scholarship may apply to receive a funding extension of up to one year, while holders of a project completion scholarship may be awarded up to three months of additional funding.
  • If the project cannot be completed due to circumstances that were unforeseen at the time the scholarship was awarded and that are beyond the scholarship holder’s control, a basic scholarship may be extended by at most six months and a project completion scholarship extended by at most three months.
  • For more detailed information, please refer to the Graduate Funding Regulation.
Am I allowed to work if I have been awarded a scholarship?
  • Scholarship holders may carry out no more than ten hours of secondary employment activities per week. Such activities must be in a scientific, scholarly or closely-related field or be of an artistic nature and must not hinder work on the scholarship holder’s scientific, scholarly or artistic project.
  • Scholarship holders who wish to undertake a secondary employment activity whose scope exceeds that defined as ‘marginal employment’ in German law (geringfügige Beschäftigung) will need approval from the selection committee before taking up any such activity. In this case, the scholarship holder must submit the request and an accompanying statement from the project supervisor to the selection committee. The committee will decide whether to approve the secondary employment activity and whether the activity is compatible with the scientific, scholarly or artistic project.
  • For more detailed information, please refer to the Graduate Funding Regulation.
Is the scholarship the only form of funding available?
  • In addition to receiving scholarship payments, scholarship holders in the GraduSaar programme can apply for special payments to cover relevant travel expenses and materials costs of up to €1000 per year.
  • Apart from financial assistance, scholarship holders in the GraduSaar programme also have access to the accompanying range of continuous education, skill-enhancement and professional development courses.
  • For more detailed information, please refer to the Graduate Funding Regulation.
Welche besonderen Bestimmungen gelten für Bewerberinnen und Bewerber der HBKsaar?

1) Kann ein Stipendium der Landesgraduiertenförderung für ein Masterprojekt beantragt werden?

Antwort: Nein.

2) Kann ein Stipendium der Landesgraduiertenförderung für ein Projekt im Rahmen eines Meisterstudiums beantragt werden?

Antwort: Ja.

3) Kann ein Stipendium der Landesgraduiertenförderung für ein Promotionsvorhaben an der HBKsaar beantragt werden?

Antwort: Ja.

4) Muss ich bei der HBKsaar immatrikuliert sein, um mich für ein Stipendium der Landesgraduiertenförderung zu bewerben?

Antwort: Nein.

5) Was ist ein Abschlussstipendium?

Antwort: Ein Abschlussstipendium dient der Fertigstellung eines bereits begonnenen größeren Projektes. Sie Es ist nicht für die Förderung eines Studienabschlusses wie Bachelor oder Master möglich.

6) Wie ist ein künstlerisches Vorhaben definiert?

Antwort: Die HBKsaar legt selbst fest, wie Art, Umfang und Anforderung eines künstlerischen Vorhabens definiert sind. Auch die Bereiche Design und Medien sind davon nicht ausgenommen.

7) Wie ist das Stipendium mit Nebentätigkeiten und Nebeneinkünften kompatibel?

Antwort: Eine Nebentätigkeit muss angezeigt werden und darf 10 Stunden pro Woche nicht überschreiten. Einkommen wird bis zu einem Freibetrag von 7.670,00 Euro netto nicht angerechnet. Höhere Einkünfte sind anzuzeigen und können eine Reduzierung des monatlichen Stipendiums zur Folge haben. (Vgl. §8 der Ordnung über die Stipendien der Landesgraduiertenförderung). Einkünfte aus Nebentätigkeit, die nach § 7 zugelassen sind, werden auf das Stipendium nicht angerechnet.


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