Self-organised doctoral activities

GradUS promotes self-organized, cooperative and transdisciplinary doctoral activities that serve to network doctoral students and promote their academic and research-related career development. Among other things, the following are or were funded:

  • Internal or external retreats for doctoral candidates
  • Self-organized workshops or working groups for doctoral candidates
  • Attendance at renowned interdisciplinary exchange meetings (e.g. Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting)
  • Scientific excursions for doctoral students from different disciplines
  • Visits to cultural or economic institutions related to their own research
  • Visits to job and career fairs for early career researchers
  • Visits to transdisciplinary information and further qualification events


The selection process is flexible and unbureaucratic. You can apply informally by e-mail or post at any time. Please send your application to GradUS. Applications should contain at least the following information:

  • Description of the activity(ies) to be funded
  • Names of the doctoral candidates involved
  • Scope of the desired funding (estimated costs)

The decision on the allocation of financial support is made within a few days of the application being submitted.

Förderung von Tagungsbesuchen und Forschungsreisen

Tagungsbesuche oder Forschungsreisen können normalerweise nicht von GradUS gefördert werden, da dies Aufgabe der Fächer und Fakultäten ist. Im Ausnahmefall können Tagungsbesuche von GradUS unterstützt werden, wenn

  • die Tagung speziell der Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Austauschs von Doktoranden bzw. Nachwuchswissenschaftlern dient,
  • Doktoranden der Universität des Saarlandes maßgeblich an der Tagungsorganisation beteiligt sind oder
  • der Tagungsbesuch im Rahmen einer interdisziplinären Kooperation mehrerer Doktoranden erfolgt.