Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Mücklich
Prof. Mücklich´s research group focuses on the investigation of the spatial microstructure as well as the functional properties of micro- and nanostructure and their manipulation.
The following research areas are of particular interest:
- Electroerosion and Plasma-Material Interaction
- Intermetallic functional materials
- Micro-/nanostructuring and surface functionalization
- 3D analysis of micro- and nanostructures
- Homepage of the working group
- Wikipedia page
Contact information
Postal adress
Universität des Saarlandes
Campus, Geb. D3.3
66123 Saarbrücken
Susanne Kern-Schumacher
Geb. D3.3, 2. Etage, Raum 3.22
Tel.: ++49/ 681/ 302-70500
Fax: ++49/ 681/ 302-70502
Pascal Hauch (Trainee)
Geb. D3.3, 2. Etage, Raum 3.22
Tel.: ++49/ 681/ 302-70524
Fax: ++49/ 681/ 302-70502