Prof. Dr. Bruce Morgan
The Morgan research group is focused on investigating the complex interplay between cellular metabolism and cellular redox processes.
The following research areas are of particular interest:
- The role of redox processes in biological internal clocks and metabolic oscillations.
- Understanding the subcellular distribution and regulation of cellular redox species.
- Development of genetically encoded probes with which we can specifically monitor cellular redox species and of genetically encoded tools with which we can specifically manipulate cellular redox species.
Contact information
Postal adress
Universität des Saarlandes
Campus, Geb. B2.2
66123 Saarbrücken
Gabi Schon
Geb. B2.2, Raum 350
Tel.: ++49/ 681/ 302-3005
Fax: ++49/ 681/ 302-4739