Jun. Prof. Dr. Sangeun Lee

Junior professorship for Pharmaceutical Biology

Junior professor Dr. Sangeun Lee


The Lee group works with developing polymeric materials for design a novel nanomedicine for drug delivery and gene therapy. The group is particularly interested in stimuli-responsive materials responding to target specific environments such as cancers, infections, and inflammations, for developing the system to deliver drugs in a controlled manner and diagnose.

The following research areas are of particular interests:

  • Polymeric nanoparticles loading drugs
  • Bioinspired polymers and stimuli-responsive polymers for controlled drug delivery
  • Polymer-drug conjugates

Homepage of the work group

Contact information:

Mailing address

Saarland University
Pharmaceutical Materials and Processing
Campus, Building C4.1
66123 Saarbrücken

Phone: +49 681 302-4764