PD Dr. André Schäfer
The working group Schäfer researches in the field of element and organometallic chemistry of the main group elements.
The main focus is on the cyclopentadienyl compounds of the p-block elements, including the metallocenophanes.
Important working techniques are synthesis and characterization under inert gas conditions as well as DFT calculations.
Contact information
Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe Anorganische Chemie
PD Dr. André Schäfer
Universität des Saarlandes
Campus Saarbrücken
66123 Saarbrücken
Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fakultät
Gebäude: C4.1 - 4.OG
Büro: 4.01
T: +49 (0)681 302-70668
F: +49 (0)681 302-70652
E: andre.schaefer(at)uni-saarland.de