Critical geopolitics and the dynamics of nuclear energy in Europe: Comparing the spatial representations of nuclear power in France, Germany and Sweden
Critical geopolitics and the dynamics of nuclear energy in Europe: Comparing the spatial representations of nuclear power in France, Germany and Sweden
Deutsch-Französischer Diskurs mit
Dr. Teva Meyer, Université de Haute-Alsace
Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2021, 18.15-19.45 Uhr, Online-Veranstaltung über MS Teams
Wir bitten um Anmeldung unter: julia.lenz(at)
Gastgeber: Jun.-Prof. Florian Weber, Geographie, Europastudien
Vortrag in englischer Sprache
Abstract zum Vortrag
Recent research in energy geography have shown that the difficulty encountered by modern societies to decrease their fossil fuel consumption could be explained by the influence of spatial path dependencies, encompassing their place-based economic, material and cultural aspects. Energy is thus thoroughly embedded in our daily environments both through its materialities and the spatial representations it replicates. While this approach has been widely used to unwrapped the spatialities of hydrocarbons, what about nuclear power? What if looking at these spatial path dependencies and the deeply entranched perceptions of space it relies on could help us understand the heterogeneities of national nuclear policies? In this talk, we offer to compare the multiscalar spatial representations of nuclear energy in three countries, Sweden, France and Germany, which have recently followed three different strategies. After identifying the similarities and differences between these cases studies, we’ll unveil their production process.

Gefördert durch das Deutsch-Französische Jugendwerk