
Master of Science in Pharmacy


For admission to the Master programme, you need a Bachelor degree in Pharmacy which grants you the right to work as a pharmacist (by German means) in your country.

Important: A Master degree does not grant you the licence to work as a pharmacist in Germany! If you already have a degree in Pharmacy in your country and would like to work as a pharmacist in Germany, please consult the ABDA website for more information.


The Master programme in Pharmacy at Saarland University consists of:

  • Research project
  • Master thesis
  • Oral defense

Research project and thesis have to be accomplished within 9 months.

If you are interested in a Master studentship in Pharmacy at our university, please take a look at the topics of our research groups and then contact the leader of the group which matches your scientific interests and might therefore potentially accept you for a research project.

Important: If you are the one who is interested in a Master studentship, you shall be the one to contact us! Neither your parents, nor your spouse, nor any other relatives, nor a friend or colleague who already lives in Germany!