AG Acute and emergency medicine

Our research focus:

The emergency patient is the focus of our research. Our Acute and Emergency Medicine research group conducts prospective and retrospective analyses of emergency care in Saarland and Germany. We operate our own registry for emergency patients at the University Hospital. Observational studies on new examination methods such as preclinical ultrasound examinations or clinical studies on preclinical treatment and monitoring measures (e.g. vascular access, blood pressure monitoring) are also part of our field of activity. In short, we analyze emergency procedures to continuously develop and improve the medical care of our patients. 

Current Projects:

  • Statistical Analyses from the UKS EMS Registry
  • Clinical study on vital signs monitoring
  • (Poly)trauma care
  • Development of education and training concepts for acute and emergency medicine

Dissertation in der AG Akut-und Notfallmedizin

Für die Durchführung von klinischen Studien suchen wir regelmäßig motivierte und zuverlässige medizinische Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden.

Wenn Sie sich für eine solche Arbeit interessieren, nutzen Sie bitte unserer Anfragenformular  um sich mit uns in Verbindung zu setzen. 

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfragen!


Working Group Leader

Dr. med. Benedikt Merscher
AG Acute and Emergency Medicine
Saarland University Hospital
Clinic for Anesthesiology, Building 57
D-66421 Homburg
Phone: +49 6841 16-22485