AG Co­ag­u­la­tion Man­age­ment

Perioperative coagulation management is a multidisciplinary issue involving not only the anesthesiologist but also surgical, hemostasis, laboratory, and internal medicine colleagues. The main advantage of the point-of-care methods we use is the rapid availability of results. The methods allow direct examination of clot formation and strength and have significantly fewer diagnostic gaps compared to conventional laboratory coagulation analysis. Therapeutic measures can be derived directly and immediately from the information obtained. The results obtained and the therapeutic consequences derived on the basis of a coagulation algorithm are summarized and evaluated in a specially created database.

Our main areas of activity:

  • Analysis of perioperative coagulation and its influencing factors as well as the resulting therapeutic measures.
  • Collaboration with the Institute of Clinical Hemostaseology and Transfusion Medicine, which is conducting a clinical study on the efficacy of the antibody concizumab with rotational thrombelastometry in hemophilia patients.
  • Education and training of all new medical staff in the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care in the use and diagnosis of rotational thrombelastography and platelet aggregometry.

Our Goals:

  • Strengthen competence in perioperative bleeding problems
  • To develop recommendations for daily clinical practice
  • To develop and maintain a coagulation database
  • Sustained interdisciplinary collaboration with the fields of laboratory medicine and hemostaseology

Working group leader

PD Dr. med. Sven-Oliver Schneider
AG Coagulation Management
Saarland University Hospital
Clinic for Anesthesiology, Building 57
D-66421 Homburg
Phone: +49 6841 16-22485


Dissertation in the Coagulation Management Working Group

We are regularly looking for motivated and reliable medical students to conduct clinical studies.

If you are interested in such work, please contact us using the  application form.

We look forward to hearing from you!