Practical year

Welcome to anesthesiology!  

Why is anesthesiology the ideal elective subject for you in your final year? 

The basic medical activities that you need to master in order to provide your patients with optimal care at all times require skills that the subject "anesthesiology" can ideally teach you. You can deepen these skills to a particularly high degree in the field of anesthesiology.  

Benefit from our knowledge and look forward to an eventful and instructive PY tertial in our clinic. Interested? Take a look at our informative flyer today and find out about our curriculum for your PY with us! 


Where to go on the first day

Procedure for the first day

Please report to Mr. Lucian Lothschütz in the anaesthesia conference room (building 57, anaesthesia department) on the first day at around 7.30 a.m. (1st tertial: after the introductory event). You will receive more detailed information from our student secretariat shortly before the start of the PY.

Once you have been allocated to the respective areas, the supervising senior physician in the functional area will be your primary contact.

If you are ill, please cancel your appointment there.

Logbook for the practical year

A look at the PY logbook is also informative and worthwhile. It will give you a good overview of the spectrum covered during the PY tertial.

We look forward to seeing you!

 PY logbook of Saarland University


Practical year certificates

You will receive the certificate for the PY at the end of the tertial from our Student Secretariat. Please provide Ms. Rupp with your complete personal details, as these must be recorded correctly on the certificate.


Here you will find the information flyer on the practical year in anesthesia. Information flyer

The current curriculum and information on the working day in the PJ anesthesia can be found [here]

Echocardiography in the practical year

PY representative

Lucian Lothschütz
Saarland University Hospital
Clinic for Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Therapy
Phone: +49 6841 16-300 01