


Clinical Pharmacy

Clinical pharmacy is one of the five examination subjects for the 2nd state examination in pharmacy studies in accordance with the licensing regulations for pharmacists since 2001. Clinical pharmacy is a highly interdisciplinary subject that combines pharmaceutical, pharmacological and medical components.

Clinical pharmacy focuses on the drug therapy of individual patients as well as larger patient populations. The aim of the Clinical Pharmacy course is to enable students to independently solve problems and issues in drug therapy. Students at Saarland University are taught the necessary basics and suitable tools in lectures and seminars. Students learn to recognize and evaluate existing or potential drug-related problems, to make recommendations for future drug therapy and to competently accompany patient therapy in order to contribute to therapy optimization. The subject Clinical Pharmacy is intended to prepare students to participate in research projects on clinical-pharmaceutical issues in their future careers, to offer clinical-pharmaceutical services and to ensure competent pharmaceutical care for patients.

The lectures on Clinical Pharmacy are offered at Saarland University on the Saarbrücken campus for the 6th and 7th semesters of Pharmacy and teach the basics of Clinical Pharmacy. These basics are deepened in interactive seminars in the 8th semester and practically applied in case studies.


Anatomy and Physiology

The lecture ''Anatomy and Physiology'' is based on the subject catalog of the first section of the Pharmaceutical Examination and is intended to prepare students for the 1st State Examination in Pharmacy. This 2 SWS lecture is designed for students in the 3rd and 4th semester of Pharmacy and covers the following subject areas: Cell physiology, neurophysiology, muscle physiology, heart/circulation, blood, electrolyte and water balance (including kidney), respiration, skin and tissue, digestion (including liver), hormones and reproduction.

To reinforce the content of this lecture and to better prepare students for the multiple-choice questions in the First State Examination in Pharmacy at the end of the 4th semester, an electronic quiz is made available at the end of each subject area via the interactive Socrative learning software (www.socrative.com). Students can see immediately whether they have answered a question correctly and receive further explanations of the correct answer.

To use Socrative, students can log in to the site using their smartphone or other internet-enabled device. For students who do not have an internet-enabled device, the questions are printed out or made available via a rental device. It is also possible to use the computer pool for students in building C2 2.


Clinical Pharmacy

The “Clinical Pharmacy” seminar is aimed at students in the 8th semester and usually takes place in the 3rd and 2nd week before the start of the lecture period.

Summer semester 2025: Further information will follow.

Exam summer semester 2025: Further information will follow.



Summer semester 2025: Further information will follow.


Pharmacoepidemiology & Pharmacoeconomics

Summer semester 2025: Further information will follow.


The Clinical Pharmacy department offers Wahlpflichtppraktika in the following areas:

  • Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling

  • Digital learning

  • Current research projects

We also welcome own suggestions for topics.

Due to the new regulation of the Wahlpflichtpraktikum, interested students are asked to contact Helena Loer (helena.loer@uni-saarland.de) and Professor Thorsten Lehr in CC (thorsten.lehr@uni-saarland.de) by e-mail at least six weeks before the desired start date with the following information:

  • Current academic semester

  • Desired start date (it is not possible to start during the Clinical Pharmacy block seminar)

  • Preferred subject area

  • Letter of motivation (half to full page)

A maximum period of three months is set for the Wahlpflichtpraktikum including the practical work phase and final presentation.  

Training pharmacy

The training pharmacy of the clinical pharmacy working group  at Saarland University offers pharmacy students a modern and practical learning environment. It enables prospective pharmacists to apply and deepen their theoretical knowledge in a realistic environment and thus close the gaps between their studies and their profession. The aim is to optimally prepare students for their future careers by providing them with important skills in advising patients, handling medicines and using pharmacy software.

The training pharmacy has realistic equipment so that the premises and day-to-day work in a public pharmacy are simulated as closely as possible. In addition to two manual sales counters, a visual selection with drug samples and functional cash register and merchandise management software, the training pharmacy also has barcode and prescription readers. This allows students to practice handling pharmacy technology and organizational processes.

A central component of training in the training pharmacy is the simulation of patient consultations. Students take on the role of both the pharmacist and the patient and practice giving pharmaceutical advice in realistic scenarios. They learn how to inform and educate patients about medicines and their possible interactions or side effects and how to provide targeted advice in the context of self-medication or the dispensing of medicines on prescription. These practical exercises help students to gain confidence in dealing with patients and to develop professional communication skills. With the help of this valuable seminar content, our students are optimally prepared for the start of their careers and have an easier start in the public pharmacy during their practical year.