How to contact practical philosophy How to contact practical philosophy Inquiries to: practicalphilo
Council is here to help you! Dear colleagues, We would like to take this opportunity to quickly introduce [...] telephone to set up an appointment. We look forward to meeting you in other settings as well. Contact us if [...] support to staff members who find themselves in (potentially) difficult situations with regard to their
voting. In order to gain access to this and to be able to cast your vote online, you must enter your individual [...] Elections to the 69th Student Parliament Elections to the 69th Student Parliament 2023 Welcome to the website [...] exercise their right to vote actively and passively. To exercise the active right to vote, votes must be
we provide according to the regulations in § 7 Abs.1 TMG . According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, we are not obliged [...] like to warn that data transferred over the internet (e.g. communication by email) is vulnerable to security [...] Contact © Sara Zimmermann Post address Saarland University Campus, building E2 6 Post office box 15 11
Contact Information Contact Info. Packages, parcels, and correspondence: Saarland University Department [...] is on Twitter. From time to time we will tweet various announcements related to tests, bits of important [...] Academic Administrator & Senior Lecturer / Assistant to Head of Department Dr. Verena Bernardi Fachricht
their parents are unable to visit? When physical contact is not possible due to a weakened immune system [...] developing ways to realize multi-sensory virtual encounters between individuals. The aim is to create new [...] experts in using thin silicone films to impart novel capabilities to surfaces. They have developed films
guirriec(at) Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Postal address Universität des [...] Contact Office Christine Guirriec Building A5 3, Room 0.03 Phone: +49 681 302-3354 christine.guirrie
administration needs to address? This is your chance to pose those questions and hope to have them answered [...] The next Staff Assembly will take place from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on October 25 th , 2022, in the Aula (Bldg [...] without saying that we would be happy, if asked, to articulate your particular concerns or pose your
Contact Contact You'll find us on campus in building A5 3 For individual contact details, please refer [...] refer to Faculty & Staff . postal address: Universität des Saarlandes Philosophische Fakultät Fachrichtung
Contact To submit and for any questions Please write us an email via: conference-greenhorn25(at)uni-saarland