In­no­va­tion in teach­ing

The DaTa-Pin Innovation Hub provides funding and support for innovative projects that seek to develop, test and disseminate pioneering digital teaching, learning and e-assessment tools and methods. Currently, 19 innovation projects are being funded by DaTa-Pin. Detailed information on each project is available below. 

Project page

Saarland University successfully applied for funding for its DaTa-Pin project from the Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education (Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre). DaTa-Pin focuses on the systematic evaluation of existing digital teaching, learning and examination activities and how these can be developed and upscaled into transferable best-practice concepts. The DaTa-Pin project is lead managed by Saarland University's Education and Quality Assurance Division and is carried out in cooperation with the Digitalization and Sustainability Unit. DaTa-Pin is built around a participatory approach with both teaching staff and students involved in the development of innovative digital teaching and learning formats that also tie in with existing activities and programmes offered by the university's central institutions.

The project aims to bring together existing structures and services and to establish three intermeshed functional areas ('hubs'): a knowledge hub for systematic knowledge management in the field of digital teaching, digital learning and e-assessments as well as managing best practice concepts; a competence-building hub that provides methodological and technical support as well as professional training for teachers; and an innovation hub for developing and testing new digital teaching, learning and examination programmes within novel innovative projects. Currently, 19 innovation projects across a range of faculties are being funded by DaTa-Pin.

Current DaTa-Pin projects at Saarland University