The University IT Centre (HIZ) provides staff, students, guests and external facilities (e.g. institutes, affiliated institutes) of the University with multifunctional chip cards (UdS-Card) for the use of University resources.


The UdS Card has the following functions:

  • personal staff ID card with photo
  • time tracking for staff working in the university’s central administration and the Saarland University and State Library (SULB)
  • personal student ID card with photo and semester travel ticket
  • ID card for library use and the University Sports Center
  • Access control for parking on campus and in the multi-storey car parks (If the card is issued for the first time, access may be authorized the following day. For new and re-issued cards, this may take several hours.)
  • Free bus ticket for university staff on Saarbahn buses who travel between the bus stops An der Trift and Stuhlsatzenhaus.
  • Key card for access to buildings/rooms equipped with electronic locks. (After you have been issued the card, it will take approx. 1-1.5 weeks until the card may be used as a key card.)
  • Electronic wallet with payment function which can be used in the Mensa, university cafés, SULB, student halls of residence, University Sports Center and for the centrally provided printing and copying service
  • non-personalized UdS card for guests
  • Cost centre cards (Kostenstellenkarte) for professorial chairs, facilities and institutes that allow the internal billing of services.

When we (re-)issue new cards, we will keep your old card.

Verantwortlich für die Inhalte dieses Webangebots

Oliver Karl
Campus Meerwiesertalweg, 66123 Saarbrücken
Tel.: 0681 302-70103