Dr. Beatriz Carbone

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Universität des Saarlandes
FR Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Europaforschung
Politikwissenschaft | Komparative Europaforschung
Campus C5 3, Raum 0.29
66123 Saarbrücken
Tel.: +49 681 302-70232
since 10/2022 | Research Associate at the Chair of Comparative Political Science of Saarland University (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin). |
04.2022-09.2022 | Research Associate at the Chair for Policy Analysis and Political Economy of Kaiserslautern University (TUK) (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) |
2021 | PhD in Political Science, Goethe University Frankfurt.Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Scheffer. Grade: Magna cum Laude |
2018-2022 | Research Associate at the Chair for Iberian Romance Studies of the University of Augsburg (Wisenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) & Project manager of the International Network and Consortium Urban Cultures |
2018-2019 | Lecturer at the Centre for Gender Studies and Feminist Future Research of the Philipps-Marburg University (Lehrbeauftragte) |
2018-2019 | Lecturer at the Centre for Conflict Studies of the Philipps-Marburg University(Lehrbeauftragte) |
2017 | Participation at the Project “International Global Nuclear Vulnerability”. University of Bristol (UK) and University of Goiás (Brazil). (Prof. Dr. Carlo Patti) (Projektmitarbeiterin) |
2015-2016 | Scholarship holder at Goethe University Frankfurt, STIBET program of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD |
2012-2015 | Doctoral scholarship holder at Rosa Luxemburg Foundation |
2011 | Researcher at the Think Tank “UN Food and Agriculture Organization FAO-University of Campinas Chair” |
2009 | Master’s Degree in Political Science, University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil. Grade: 1,2 |
2008 | Tutor at the University of Campinas (Unicamp).Teaching position at the Seminar entitled “Brazilian Foreign Policy”. (Prof. Dr. Shiguenoli Miyamoto). (Lehrbeauftragte) |
2005 | Bachelor of International Relations, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais(PUC-Minas), Brazil. Grade: 94/100 |
2005 | Assistant at the Department of International Relations of the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. (Studentische Hilfskraft-Tutor) |
Publikationen (selected)
- Carbone, Beatriz (forthcoming 19.07.2023). From the Nation-Building to the Bolsa Família Program: Whiteness, Gender, and Poverty in Brazil. Campus Verlag. ISBN 9783593517834
- Co-editor of the Series ‚Politische Ethnographie’. Arbeitskreise Politische Ethnographie. Springer.
- Carbone, Beatriz (2021). Eurocentrism and its Consequences. Audiostelle. Fugger and Welser Erlebnismuseum, Augsburg.
- Carbone, Beatriz (2017). The Everlasting Whiteness: Discursive Materiality in the Bolsa Família Program Debate. In: Löw, Christine/ Volk, Katharina/ Leicht, Imke/ Meisterhans, Nadja (Hrsg.): Material turn: Feministische Perspektiven auf Materialität und Materialismus. Leverkusen/Berlin: Barbara Budrich Verlag, pp. 153-170. DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvddzkq8
- Carbone, Beatriz (2016). Whiteness and Discourses of Nationality in Brazil. An Analysis of Populações Meridionais do Brazil. In: Hawel, Marcus (hrsg): Work in Progress. Work on Progress. Doktorand_innen-Jahrbuch 2015 der Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung. Beiträge kritischer Wissenschaft. Hamburg: VSA, pp. 181-195. ISBN 978-3-89965-738-8
- Carbone, Beatriz (2015). Representations of the Self and Other in Torture Museums in Germany. In: KULT – Postkolonial (12), pp. 24-51. Available at: postkolonial.dk/about
- SoSe 2023: In-Group & Out-Group Dynamics in Right-Wing Populism: On how Women, LGBTI+, and Migrants become the Other, Saarland University
- SoSe 2022: Autoritarismus und Demokratisierung in Lateinamerika, TU Kaiserslautern
- SoSe 2022: Politikwissenschaft Interdisziplinar: Feministische Politische Theorie, Universität Augsburg
- WS 2021/22: Diaspora: Subjectivities in Latin American Migrant Cinema, Universität Augsburg
- SoSe 2021: Colonial and Postcolonial Memories in Ibero-American Cities, Universität Augsburg
- WS 2020/21: FORUM: Urban Resilience, Universität Augsburg
- SoSe 2020: Participatory Cultures, Universität Augsburg
- SoSe 2019: Black, White or Mixed Race? Passing Literature in Latin America and the USA from a Postcolonial Perspective, Universität Augsburg
- WS 2018/19: Postcolonial and Feminist Approaches to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- WS 2018/19: Intersectionality and Localization in the Agenda for Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, Philipps-Universität Marburg