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El Azhari, I., Zamanzade, M., Soldera, F., Pauly, C., Motz, C., Llanes, L., Mucklich, F. (2020) “Micromechanical investigations of CVD coated WC-Co cemented carbide by micropillar compression.” Materials and Design 186, 108283
Chen, X.L., Richeton, T., Motz, C., Berbenni, S. (2019) “Elastic fields due to dislocations in anisotropic bi- and tri-materials: Applications to discrete dislocation pile-ups at grain boundaries.” International Journal of Solids and Structures 164, 141-156
Thielen, M., Schaefer, F., Gruenewald, P., Laub, M., Marx, M., Meixner, M., Klaus, M., Motz, C. (2019) “In situ synchrotron stress mappings to characterize overload effects in fatigue crack growth.” International Journal of Fatigue121, 155-162
Zamanzade, M., Muller, C., Velayarce, J.R., Motz, C. (2019) “Susceptibility of different crystal orientations and grain boundaries of polycrystalline Ni to hydrogen blister formation” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44, 7706-7714
Muller, C., Zamanzade, M., Motz, C. (2019) “The Impact of Hydrogen on Mechanical Properties, A New In Situ Nanoindentation Testing Method,” Micromachines 10 (2), 114
Medina-Clavijo, B., Saez-de-Buruaga, M., Motz, C , Soler, D., Chuvilin, A., Arrazola, P.J. (2018) “Microstructural aspects of the transition between two regimes in orthogonal cutting of AISI 1045 steel.” Journal of Materials Processing Technology 260, 87-96
Jung, A., Luksch, J., Diebels, S., Schafer, F., Motz, C. (2018) “In-situ and ex-situ microtensile testing of individual struts of Al foams and Ni/Al hybrid foams.” Materials and Design 153, 104-119
Eisenhut, L., Fell, J., Motz, C. (2018) “Local Characterization of Precipitation and Correlation with the Prior Austenitic Microstructure in Nb-Ti-Microalloyed Steel by SEM and AFM Methods.” Metals 8 (8),636
Velayarce, J.R., Zamanzade, M., Abad, O.T., Motz, C. (2018) “Influence of single and multiple slip conditions and temperature on the size effect in micro bending.” Acta Materialia 154, 325-333
Gruenewald, P., Schaefer, F., Thielen, M., Marx, M., Motz, C. (2018) “Small scale fracture mechanics of ductile materials: Advantage of fatigue precracks and comparison of J-integral evaluations.” Materialia 4, 104–108
Kramer, T., Eisenhut, L., Germain, L., Rupp, D., Detemple, E., Motz, C. (2018) “Assessment of EBSD Analysis and Reconstruction Methods as a Tool for the Determination of Recrystallized Fractions in Hot-Deformed Austenitic Microstructures.” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A – Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 49A (7), 2795-2802
Zamanzade, M., Hasemann, G., Motz, C., Kruger, M., Barnoush, A. (2018) “Vacancy effects on the mechanical behavior of B2-FeAl intermetallics.” Materials Science and Engineering A – Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 712, 88-96
Rathmann, D., Marx, M., Motz, C. (2017) “Crack propagation and mechanical properties of electrodeposited nickel with bimodal microstructures in the nanocrystalline and ultrafine grained regime.” International Journal of Materials Research 32 (24) 4573-4582
Kapp, M.W., Kremmer, T., Motz, C., Yang, B., Pippan, R. (2017) “Structural instabilities during cyclic loading of ultrafine-grained copper studied with micro bending experiments.” Acta Materialia 125, 351-358
Schaefer F., Lang E. P., Bick M., Knorr A. F., Marx M., Motz C. (2017) ”Assessing the intergranular crack initiation probability of a grain boundary distribution by an experimental misalignment study of adjacent slip systems,” Procedia Structural Integrity, 5, 547-554
Eisenhut, L., Schaefer, F., Gruenewald, P., Weiter, L., Marx, M., Motz, C. (2017) “Effect of a dislocation pile-up at the neutral axis on trans-crystalline crack growth for micro-bending fatigue.” International Journal of Fatigue 94, 131-139
Bachmaier, A, Schmauch, J , Aboulfadl, H., Verch, A., Motz, C. (2016) “On the process of co-deformation and phase dissolution in a hard-soft immiscible Cu-Co alloy system during high-pressure torsion deformation.” Acta Materialia 115, 333-346
Zamanzade, M., Velayarce, J.R., Abad, O.T., Motz, C., Barnoush, A. (2016) “Mechanical behavior of iron aluminides: A comparison of nanoindentation, compression and bending of micropillars.” Materials Science and Engineering A – Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 652, 370-376
Thielen, M., Marx, M., Sheikh-Amiri, M., Boller, C., Motz, C. (2016) “Using Barkhausen Noise and Digital Image Correlation to Investigate the Influence of Local Residual Stresses on Fatigue-Crack Propagation.” Materials Performance and Characterization 5 (3), 319-337
Thielen,M., Marx,M., Sheikh-Amiri, M., Boller, C., Motz, C. (2016) “How micorscopic stress and strain analysis can improve the understanding oft he interplay between materials properties and variable amplitude fatigue.”, Procedia Structural Integrity 2, 3194-3201
Kheradmand, N., Knorr, A.F., Marx, M., Deng, Y. (2016) „Microscopic incompatibility controlling plastic deformation of bicrystals.”Acta Materialia 106, 219-228
Schafer, F., Weiter, L., Marx, M., Motz, C. (2016) “Quantifying the grain boundary resistance against slip transfer by experimental combination of geometric and stress approach using stage-I-fatigue cracks.” Philosophical Magazine 96, (32-34), 3524-3551
Zamanzade, M., Barnoush, A, Motz, C. (2016) “A Review on the Properties of Iron Aluminide Intermetallics.” Crystals 6 (1), 10
Jung, A., Chen, Z., Schmauch, J., Motz, C., Diebels, S. (2016) “Micromechanical characterisation of Ni/Al hybrid foams by nano- and microindentation coupled with EBSD” Acta Materialia 102, 38-48
Bachmaier, A., Pfaff, M., Stolpe, M., Aboulfadl, H., Motz, C. (2015) “Phase separation of a supersaturated nanocrystalline Cu-Co alloy and its influence on thermal stability.” Acta Materialia 96, 269-283
Kirchlechner, C., Imrich, P.J., Liegl, W., Poernbacher, J., Micha, J.S., Ulrich, O., Motz, C. (2015) ”On the reversibility of dislocation slip during small scale low cycle fatigue.” Acta Materialia 94, 69-77
Bachmaier, A., Aboulfadl, H., Pfaff, M., Muecklich, F., Motz, C. (2015) “Structural evolution and strain induced mixing in Cu-Co composites studied by transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography.” Materials Characterization 100, 178-191
Bachmaier, A., Motz, C. (2015) “On the remarkable thermal stability of nanocrystalline cobalt via alloying.” Materials Science and Engineering A – Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 624, 41-51
Tiba, I.,Richeton, T.,Motz, C., Vehoff, H., Berbenni, S. (2015) “Incompatibility stresses at grain boundaries in Ni bicrystalline micropillars analyzed by an anisotropic model and slip activity.” Acta Materialia 83, 227-238
Kerger, P., Marx, M., Motz, C., Rathmann, D. (2015): "How to produce a requested bimodal microstructure for optimized mechanical properties: Investigation of the mechanisms of abnormal grain growth in PED nickel." International Journal of Materials Research 106 (11), 1131-1143
Schöneich, M., M. Zamanzade, M. Stommel. (2015). "Fiber-matrix interphase in applied short glass fiber composites determined by a nano-scratch method." Composites Science and Technology 119: 100-107
Schaefer, F., Marx, M., Knorr, A. F., & Vehoff, H. (2015). “Stage-I fatigue crack studies in order to validate the dislocation-free zone model of fracture for bulk materials.” Philosophical Magazine, 95(8), 819-843
Knorr, A.F., Marx, M., Schaefer, F. (2015) "Crack initiation at twin boundaries due to slip system mismatch." Scripta Materialia 94, 48-51
Bachmaier, A., Keckes, J., Kormout, K.S., Pippan, R. (2014). "Supersaturation in Ag-Ni alloy by two-step high-pressure torsion processing." Philosophical Magazine Letters 94 (1), 9-17
Bachmaier, A., Rathmayr, G.B., Bartosik, M., Apel, D., Zhang, Z., Pippan, R. (2014). "New insights on the formation of supersaturated solid solutions in the Cu-Cr system deformed by high-pressure torsion." Acta Materialia 69, 301-313
Imrich, P. J., C. Kirchlechner, C. Motz and G. Dehm (2014). "Differences in deformation behavior of bicrystalline Cu micropillars containing a twin boundary or a large-angle grain boundary." Acta Materialia 73, 240-250.
Qian,T., Marx,M., Karaman, I (2014) "Mechanical properties of nanocrystalline and ultrafine grained nickel with bimodal microstructure", Advanced Engineering Materials16 (11), 1323-1339
Knorr, A. F., Marx, M. (2014). „Calculating the Resistance of a Grain Boundary against Fatigue Crack Growth.” Advanced Materials Research 891, 929-935
Knorr, A. F., Marx, M. (2014,). “Microstructural Barriers against Fatigue Crack Growth.” Materials Science Forum 783-786, 2339-2346
Schaefer, F., Gruenewald, P., Weiter, L., Thielen, M., Marx, M., Motz, C. (2014) „Analysis of stage-I-crack tip strain fields by high resolution strain measurement in the SEM.” Praktische Metallographie SB 46
Sheikh Amiri, M., Thielen, M., Rabung, M., Marx, M., Szielasko, K., Boller, C. (2014) “On the role of crystal and stress anisotropy in magnetic Barkhausen noise,” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 372, 16-22
Wimmer, A., M. Smolka, W. Heinz, T. Detzel, W. Robl, C. Motz, V. Eyert, E. Wimmer, E. Jahnel, R. Treichler and G. Dehm (2014). "Temperature dependent transition of intragranular plastic to intergranular brittle failure in electrodeposited Cu micro-tensile samples." Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 618, 398-405
Zamanzade, M., Barnoush, A. (2014). "Effect of chromium on the electrochemical properties of iron aluminide intermetallics." Corrosion Science 78, 223-232
Zamanzade, M., Barnoush, A. (2014). "An Overview of the Hydrogen Embrittlement of Iron Aluminides." Procedia Materials Science 3 (0), 2016-2023
Zamanzade, M., Vehoff, H., Barnoush, A. (2014). "Cr effect on hydrogen embrittlement of Fe3Al-based iron aluminide intermetallics: Surface or bulk effect." Acta Materialia 69, 210-223