Title: Beschreibung der Austenitkorngrößenentwicklung in der Grobblecherzeugung mit Hilfe physikalischer Prozesssimulation
Title: Quantifizierung des Korngrenzenwiderstandes gegen Gleittransfer von Versetzungen in fcc Metallen
Title: Mechanical and electrochemical behavior of Fe3Al-xCr intermetallics
Title: Definition of a geometric grain boundary resistance to quantify the crystallographic mismatch between neighboring grains
Title: Bimodal microstructure and fatigue properties of nanocrystalline and ultrafine grained nickel
Title: Grain boundary-dislocation interaction: a local investigation via micron-sized bicrystals
Title: Interaction between short fatigue cracks and grain boundaries - systematic experiments with focussed ion beam microscope and microstructural tomography
Title: Initiation of microcracks at grain boundaries : orientation influence on local surface stresses and on initiation of microcracks
Title: Hydrogen embrittlement, revisited by in situ electrochemical nanoindentation
Title: Grain size effects on the mechanical behaviour of polycrystalline nickel from micro to nanoscale
Title: Size effects on mechanical properties - experiments and simulations