
Local methods like nanoindentation, compression and bending tests of micro pillars allow us to achieve an essential understanding about the deformation mechanism of different materials. The methods could be used for evaluating the influence of substitutional atoms and/or interstitial atoms (e.g., hydrogen and nitrogen) on the mechanical properties. Additionally, they can be employed under a wide range of environmental conditions, i.e., at high-temperature, in vacuum, harsh environments and/or atmospheres, close to routine industrial applications.

Jorge Rafael Velayarce
Ph.D. candidate
Room number: B 3.05
Tel: (+49) (681) 302-5043
(r.velayarce (at)
Patrick Grünewald
Ph.D. candidate
Room number: B 2.05
Tel: (+49) (681) 302-5172
Click to mail (p.gruenewald (at)