Dr. Rosario Herrero
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Saarland University
Department of Language Science an Technology
Campus A 2 2, room 1.19
66123 Saarbrücken
Tel.: +49 681 302-3512
Office hours:
by arrangement (E-Mail)
- Studied Spanish and French linguistics and literature (University of Valladolid)
- Doctorate in Spanish Philology (Linguistics) to the title of Dr. phil. ("Descripción lingüístico-funcional de la metáfora a través de la lengua poética de la generación del 27") - Extraordinary Prize of the University of Valladolid (Premio extraordinario de doctorado)
- Lecturer at the Department of Romance Languages and Literature (Spanish), Saarland University (1993-1998)
- Research assistant at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg (1998-2000)
- (since 2000) Lecturer in FR.4.6 Applied Linguistics and Translation and Interpreting (from 01.10.2016 FR Linguistics and Language Technology) at Saarland University
- (since 2014) Management and conception of the e-learning project Aula de español online, an online platform to optimize teaching and learning processes in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.
- (since 2019) Cooperation with the AKAD-Distance University for the creation of learning materials in the field of translation of business texts German-Spanish.
- (2017-2018 / 2013-2014) Collaboration in the international, interdisciplinary research project "DicGENETIC" on the use of new information technologies to create a terminological dictionary of genetics for the languages English, French, German and Spanish (Head: Antonio Bueno, University of Valladolid). http://www.entreculturas.uma.es/n7yn8pdf/resena07.pdf
- (since 2013) Member of the research group "Research and Teaching of Specialist Discourses and New Technologies" (Estudio y enseñanza de discursos especializados y nuevas tecnologías) (Head: María José Salinas, University of Málaga, http://www.edint.net/)
- (2016-2017) Participation in the international project "Innovations in Teaching" (proyecto de innovación docente lingua-collage/ daf-collage) for the development of a web application to promote learning autonomy and the use of learning strategies in the acquisition of foreign languages (Lead: Ruth Burbat, University of Granada)
Aula de español online(in german), an online platform for the optimization of teaching and learning processes when learning Spanish