Florian Weber


Saarland University
Building C5 3
Room 2.07
D-66123 Saarbrücken

Phone: +49 681 302-64220


Professional and Scientific Background

Florian Weber studied geography, business administration, sociology and journalism at the University of Mainz and gained his doctorate at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg with a thesis comparing German and French area-based politics in light of discourse theory. After working from 2012-2013 as a project manager in Würzburg, he took up an appointment as researcher and project coordinator in the transregional university cooperation UniGR at Kaiserslautern University of Technology and after that Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences. Since October 2016 he has been Associate Lecturer (Akademischer Rat) at the University of Tübingen’s Department of Geography, where he completed his post-doctoral degree (Habilitation) in 2018. In April 2019 he was appointed Junior Professor of European Studies at Saarland University, with special reference to Western Europe and border regions. His research focuses on discourse and landscape, renewable energies, cross-border cooperations, and comparative international urban district politics and development.

Research Interests

Current and previous research projects focus on discourse and the construction of landscape(s), discourses on the transition towards renewable energies, local and regional cross-border cooperation, as well as comparative international urban district politics and development. Detailed information on current research projects can be found here