Eval­u­a­tion of the "LIFE liv­ing Natura 2000" Pro­ject

The nature conservation efforts of the European Union in favour of a unified legislation (Birds Directive 1979 and Habitats Directive 1992) laid the foundation for the so-called Natura 2000 network and the protection as endangered of certain animal and plant species. As of 2015, there are over 5,200 Natura 2000 sites in Germany. In the Free State of Bavaria, there are about 750 corresponding areas which cover almost twelve percent of the state's surface area. 

The protection and promotion of biological diversity, which has declined sharply in recent years, is the focus of attention of Natura 2000. For agricultural and forestry uses, this can no longer mean holding on to the increasing spread of monocultures, which may lead to conflicts with andowners, farmers and interest groups who may feel unjustly restricted. For these conflicts, ways of management and regulation need to be mapped out.

One pillar of conflict regulation may be an intensified communication and information on nature conservation. The Bavarian "LIFE living Natura 2000" project is such a communication project that aims to highlight the benefits and significance of the network of protected areas for society and nature and to encourage a change in thinking: Natura 2000 as a future-oriented instrument and not as an obstacle. In a joint research project with researchers from the wokring group Urban and Regional Development (Tübingen University), we accompany "LIFE Living Natura 2000", providing analyses and evaluation of its effects and effectiveness at several stages of the communication project.

  • Project leader: Prof. Dr. Dr. Olaf Kühne und Jun.-Prof. Dr. Florian Weber
  • Project coordinator: Dominique Pegoraro, M.Sc.
  • Duration: 01.01.2018 – 31.01.2022
  • Project Sponsor: Bayerische Akademie für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (ANL)
  • Financed by: EU Life Programme
  • Project Number LIFE living Natura (LIFE16 GIE/DE/000012)