Alexandra Schartner

Research associate
Universität des Saarlandes
Building C5 3
Room E 22
D-66123 Saarbrücken
Tel.: +49 681 302-64209
Office hours
By appointment
Professional career
2020 - today
- Project coordinator at the Pre-IBA-GR Workshop Laboratory at Saarland University of Applied Sciences, project leader Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Ochs
- Architect/Urbanist internship, landscape and urban planning office: HDK Dutt & Kist
- Assistant designer, architectural practice: MVRDV Architects, Rotterdam, Holland, as part of the "Baumeister Academy".
Scientific career
Since february 2022
- Doctoral project within the framework of the Cooperation Platform Europe Kooperationsplattform Europa between Saarland University and the Saarland University of Applied Sciences
Since 2020
- Project coordinator at Prä-IBA-GR Werkstattlabor at the Saarland University of Applied Sciences, Project Manager Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Ochs
2016 - 2019
- Study of architecture, Saar School of Architecture, Master of Arts, Excellence degree, Master's thesis Topic: Transformation in an industrial context: transformation of a former ceramics factory site into a "Kid's Campus" in Lombardy, Italy
2013 – 2016
- Study of architecture, Saar School of Architecture, Bachelor of Arts, Excellence degree, Bachelor's thesis Topic: Markethall for Malstatt, Saarbrücken
Stay abroad:
2018: Freeform Structures, ILEK Stuttgart and UIR Rabat, Marokko | Workshop with the topic: free constructions
- Les Défis du Bois 3.0, ENSTIB, Épinal, France, seminary and Workshop with the topic: sustainable wooden constructions
- Re-Fact, ETSA, Universidad de Sevilla, Spanien, Workshop with the topic: Industrial heritage in an urban context
- Semaine Internationale – 2016, ENSA Nancy, France, Workshop with the topic: Technopole in Brabois, Nancy
- Erasmus WS 2015/2016 VUT Brno, University of Technology in Brno, Tschechische Republik
Research focus
- Transformation in the Greater Region
- Placemaking and cross-border spaces
- Borders, border regions and border areas
- Processes of the International Building Exhibitions (IBA)
Project coordination: Prä IBA Großregion
- Feasibility study and further publications within the framework of Prä-IBA-GR Werkstattlabor at the Saarland University of Applied Sciences