Impactful Research

We investigate how brain functions in healthy subjects and patients with neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. We employ experimental work with murine models and human studies applying imaging, electrophysiological, invasive and non-invasive stimulation techniques to explore the physiology and pathophysiology of the human brain.

Currently we are working on projects on movement disorders, neurodegenerative conditions stroke and neuroinflammation, being involved in initiatives to develop and improve actual and future diagnostic and therapy solutions and optimize the field of future diagnostic and therapeutic solution through translational paths. 

We intensively collaborate with research groups at the University Hospital Saarland, University of Saarland and with national (Günther Deuschl, Neurology University Clinic Kiel;  Sven Meuth, University of Düsseldorf, Volker Coenen, University of Freiburg; Johannes Vogt, Neuroanatomy Cologne)  and international cooperation partners (Huiling Tan, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences; George Bonano, Columbia University; Olga Ciccareli, UCL London).

Our work is supported by Innovationsfond-GBABMBF, DFG. 

For cooperation and joint work please contact us: 

Department of Neurology
Saarland University Medical Center
Kirrberger Str. 100, Geb. 90
66421 Homburg
Tel. 06841/1624103
Fax. 06841/1624137

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      Lehrveranstaltungen, Famulatur, praktisches Jahr, Neurologische Sumer School und Teaching Assistants

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