Welcome Week

Welcome Week im Sommersemester 2025
Das Welcome Center bietet jedes Semester verschiedene Orientierungs-Veranstaltungen für neue internationale Studierende an.
Die Veranstaltungen für das Sommersemester 2025 finden vom 02.04. bis zum 04.04.2025 statt. Genauere Informationen zur Welcome Week finden Sie rechtzeitig auf diesen Webseiten (bitte nach unten scrollen); die Veranstaltungsliste wird fortlaufend ergänzt.
Eindrücke aus dem Saarland
Unser Zentrum für internationale Studierende hat euch eine kleine Präsentation zusammengestellt, mit den schönsten Orten im Saarland.
Orientierungen für Erasmus+ Studierende
Sie finden hier die Orientierungen speziell für Studierende im Erasmus+ Programm.
Onboarding für Moodle, LSF und MS Teams
Das Zentrum für lebenslanges Lernen bietet für neue Studierende Kurse zum Umgang mit LSF, Moodle und MS Teams:
Informieren Sie sich zusätzlich über die Freizeit-Angebote von:
Der Link zum jeweiligen Event wird kurz vorher freigeschaltet. Sie finden die Links zu den Events dann untenstehend.
Die untenstehende Veranstaltungsliste ist noch nicht vollständig und wird fortlaufend ergänzt.
How to: Teilnahme MS Teams
Preparing your stay: February/March
Link will be available 2 weeks before the event!
Monday, 03. February 2025
11:30 (CET): How to search for accommodation in Saarbrücken (online)
What you need to look out for when renting an apartment, during your rental period and which paperwork to deal with.
Where can you find accommodation and which waiting lists should you be on to have a better chance to find a place?
Duration: 45 minutes
Click here to join
Wednesday, 05. February 2025
** for exchange and freemover students**
11:30 (CET): Steps to take after your admission as exchange student - Enrolment at Saarland University (online)
If you have received a letter of admission as an exchange student or Freemover, you will have to enrol into the university by using our SIM Portal. We will show you the main steps that you will have to do for this enrolment and answer questions that you may have.
Duration: 60 minutes
Click here to join
You cannot make this appointment? No problem, please find our pictured enrolment guide here:
Enrolment Guide for freemover and exchange students
** for exchange and freemover students**
12:45 (CET): How to use the LSF to search for classes (online)
If you are coming to Saarland University for one or two semesters in study abroad, you will use the LSF website to search for the classes that you want to take while you study in Germany. We can show you how to navigate the website and how to read the course catalogue.
Duration: 45 minutes
Click here to join
Monday, 10 March 2025
10:00 Orientation 1 - Arrival and Registration procedures (online)
City registration, visa appointments, opening a bank account and much more.
Duration: 45 minutes
15:00 Orientation I - Arrival and Registration procedures (online)
City registration, visa appointments, opening a bank account and much more.
Duration: 45 minutes
April Orientations
Link will be available 2 weeks before the event!
Wednesday, 02 April 2025
11:00 Orientation 1 - Arrival and Registration procedures (online)
City registration, visa appointments, opening a bank account and much more.
Duration: 45 minutes
14:00 Orientation 1 - Arrival and Registration procedures (in person)
City registration, visa appointments, opening a bank account and much more.
Location: tba
Duration: 45 minutes
15:00 Kick-Off Meeting (in person meeting!)
Meet the Welcome Center, German Course, Language Center,
University Sports, ZiS, ESN & more
Location: AULA, Building A3.3
Duration: as long as you wish!
Thursday, 03 April 2025
11:00 Orientation 2 - Culture differences and safety tips
How to avoid misunderstandings due to cultural differences; consent in Germany; community support offers; how to handle cases of emergency
Location: B3.1 - Hörsaal I
Duration: 45 minutes
12:00 Orientation 3 - Apartment rentals in Saarbrücken - Do's & Dont's
What you need to look out for when renting an apartment, during your rental period and which paperwork to deal with.
Location: B3.1 - Hörsaal I
Duration: 45 minutes
14:00 Campus-Rallye
Discover the campus by solving our Campus Rallye Quiz that we have prepared for you!
Location: Meeting at International Office, A4 4 (outside)
Duration: approx. 1 hours
Friday, 04 April 2025
13:00 Orientation 4 - The medical system in Germany
How does the German insurance system work and what to do if you get sick during your stay?
Location: B3.1 - Hörsaal I
Duration: 45 minutes
14:00 How to survive in Germany
Academics, the medical system and daily life in Germany. We will give you an interactive (and hopefully fun) depiction of what to expect when living in Germany
Location: B3.1 - Hörsaal I
Duration: 60 minutes