Carla Seemann, M.A.

Carla Seemann is Doctoral Researcher at the chair of Romance Literatures and Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies at Saarland University. Her fields of study are cultural studies with a focus on history of knowledge and history of science. Currently, she is working on her Ph.D. project on the history of peace education in France and Germany in the post-war era.
– Selected publications: Laarmann, Mario/Fongang, Clément Ndé/Seemann, Carla/Vordermayer, Laura (eds.). Reparation, Restitution, and the Politics of Memory – Towards a New Global Society? Berlin & Boston: DeGruyter; Seemann, Carla 2021. Diaries as "Soul Portraits"? Interpretation and Theorization of Adolescents' Self-Descriptions in the German-Speaking Youth Psychology of the 1920s and 1930s. NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 29 (3): 319-345; Schlicht, Laurens/Seemann, Carla/Kassung, Christian (eds.). 2020. Mind Reading as a Cultural Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.