Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Who should I contact if I want to book an alternative room for a weekend event or teaching activity in buildings B4 1 or C5 4?

Booking a room in B4 1 (Audimax building)
To reserve a lecture theatre or one of the two seminar rooms, please contact Ms Carolin Winkler, preferably by email (c.winkler(at) For events or teaching activities on a Saturday, room reservation requests should ideally be received no later than the Wednesday of the week in which the event is to be held. Staff from the Fault Reporting Centre (Störmeldezentrale) will unlock the booked rooms on the Saturday morning and lock them again in the evening. If you are going to need a key for the media storage unit, please get in touch with Ms Winkler. Seminar room 2.1 can only be booked online through the LSF system, but this can be done at very short notice. The key for room 2.1 can be collected on Saturday from the Institute of History library in building B3 2.

Booking a room in C5 4 (Language Centre)
To reserve a seminar room, please contact Ms Juncal Zatón Gonzalez (up until 12.30 p.m. by email or via MS Teams; j.zaton-gonzalez(at) The access keycard can also be picked up from Ms Gonzalez. The lead time for room bookings is one week. If you would like to reserve a room, you will need to provide the following information: The date and time of the event to be held, the technical equipment required, the number of people attending and the numbers of their UdS Cards (so that they can enabled for key card access).


Who's responsible for ensuring that energy is being saved in the different parts of the university?

Put simply, anyone who uses energy is responsible for ensuring that it is not being wasted in their workplace. That means, for example, that equipment is switched off when it's no longer required or that lights are turned off when they are no longer needed. In some areas, cleaners and security guards may be able to check during the course of their work whether energy efficiency measures are being implemented. For instance, if they happen to see a window that was left open, they can close it, or they can switch off any lights that were accidentally left on. However, it is not feasible for cleaners and security guards to integrate energy efficiency checks into their normal work activities.

More energy efficiency tips

Can't we reduce the level of lighting in car parks and corridors to a minimum?

This is not as simple as it might seem, as lighting levels in certain areas are governed by legal requirements. We are currently reviewing a number of technical solutions, but given the huge scope of the measures to be implemented, these solutions will have to be introduced in stages. Our focus at present is therefore on prioritizing behavioural changes, such as encouraging users to turn off lights that are not needed or to switch off computers that are not being used. In those areas in which motion detectors have been installed, the length of time that the light stays on will be reduced from the current setting of 15 minutes to 5 minutes (exception: toilet facilities). This work will be carried out in stages. Please also note that the illumination period is extended each time a sensor detects fresh movement, so the light may stay on for longer than the time set on the detector.

More energy efficiency tips

What setting should we use for radiator thermostats?

(Kopie 3)

Wherever possible, set the thermostatic valves on radiators to '2,5', including those in adjoining rooms. This is the most effective and energy-efficient way of heating university buildings.

More energy efficiency tips

Who can I contact if I have questions or suggestions about the energy efficiency initiative?

If you have any suggestions for saving energy in your building or you need more information, please feel free to email us at energiesparen(at) However, if you want to report a specific technical problem, such as radiators that are not functioning properly or outdated (low-efficiency) lighting, please send your request directly to the Fault Reporting Centre, preferably by email to stoermeldezentrale(at), or, in urgent cases, by calling 0681 302-2242
Due to the high volume of requests currently being received, we may not be able to respond immediately to your questions/concerns.

More energy efficiency tips

Has an extended work-from-home rule been introduced to save energy?

The work-from-home option for employees is provided in accordance with current regulations. As part of the university's energy efficiency drive, those employees whose role and work duties can be performed from home are requested to work remotely in the week before Christmas (19–23 December 2022) and in the first week of the new year (2–6 January 2023).

What kinds of technical solutions, conversion, renovation or remediation work is planned as part of the energy efficiency initiative?

Technical and structural solutions that can yield a permanent and sustainable reduction in energy consumption are currently being discussed and reviewed. However, large-scale conversion and retrofitting projects cannot be part of the university's current short-term energy response plan, as measures such as introducing intelligent lighting control systems, installing (balcony-mounted) solar panels or undertaking energy-efficient building renovation work, all have necessarily long lead times and, given the number of buildings involved, will require a very substantial investment of time and money. The focus this winter semester is on those measures that can be implemented quickly, such as lowering the temperatures inside buildings and maximizing energy savings by encouraging individual users to modify their behaviour (e.g. by turning off lights, switching off computers, etc.).

More energy efficiency tips

How can we reduce the amount of hot water being used?

We can save energy by using cold water rather than hot water to wash our hands. In most cases, washing your hands with cold water is just as effective as washing them with hot water. The hot water supply to the wash basins in toilets and other sanitary facilities has already been turned off. If an electric water heater is installed under a basin, users should turn it off to save electricity.

More energy efficiency tips

Can printers simply be switched off and computers powered down centrally overnight?

Please switch off printers at night. In the case of a network printer or a multifunction printer, we recommend assigning a static IP address to the printer. This ensures that the device receives the same IP address after a restart.

It is not possible to force a central shutdown, as only a few computers are administered centrally. For this reason, we would encourage all users to help save energy by switching off their devices, after first turning off the VPN connection.

We will also be switching telephone displays to standby mode at an earlier time; telephone functionality will not be affected. If the telephone display is still in sleep mode when you return to your desk, simply press any button on the phone to wake up the display. This will enable you to see any missed call notifications. The display will go back into sleep mode after five minutes of inactivity.

If you have any questions or you are experiencing problems, please contact the University IT Centre (HIZ)  directly.


How many thermometers will be made available to an energy ambassador in order to check temperatures inside their building?

Each energy ambassador will receive one thermometer. The thermometers are provided so that our energy ambassadors can carry out general temperature checks; they are not meant to be deployed as permanent, campus-wide measuring instruments.

Will the electricity supply be switched off as part of the energy efficiency measures?

No, electricity will be available as normal at all times and in all locations. However, as electricity costs account for a large part of our total energy expenditure, all members of the university are strongly urged to use electricity sparingly. Wherever possible, university employees should work from home during the end-of-year period (see the FAQ: 'Has an extended work-from-home rule been introduced to save energy?').


Energy Task Force