Pluripotential Theory, Sommersemester 2025

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Lazić

The course will be taught in English and will be held online.

Dates: Wednesdays 10-12 and 14-16 online


This is an advanced course in pluripotential theory. The content includes: 

  • plurisubharmonic functions
  • singular metrics on line bundles
  • currents
  • Lelong numbers and Siu decomposition
  • metrics with minimal singularities
  • multiplier ideals
  • Ohsawa-Takegoshi extension theorem
  • applications: invariance of plurigenera, strong openness conjecture
  • applications in birational geometry: Nonvanishing results

Prerequisites: Algebraic Geometry I and II, Complex Analysis, Functional Analysis, Complex Geometry.

Exam Dates

The exam will be an oral exam, the dates will be individually arranged. 

Important: If you cannot register in the LSF for the exam, please send me an email (your Prüfungssekretariat has to send me a confirmation that you are allowed to take part in the exam in time before the exam). If your Prüfungsordnung allows it, you may use the second try to improve the grade.


The literature list for this course will be distributed in the class.


Fachrichtung Mathematik
Campus, Gebäude E2 4
Universität des Saarlandes
66123 Saarbrücken
