The stations

Station A - Botanic garden

At this station, you will find equipment for arm pull, ab trainer, push-up and back trainer.


Station B - Calisthenics

Not only pull-ups and brachiating exercises are waiting for you at the station Calisthenics. You can also workout at the dip and the sling trainer.


Station C - Hill run

Running up the hill – how many meters are you able to sprint? 25, 50 or 75?


Station E - Stairs step

There are many ways to jump up the stairs. Find out here!


Station F - Coordination and play

At this station, you can test your dexterity, coordination and leg strength.


Station G - HIPS

Here, you find the sports equipment Calisthenics (pull-up and brachiating), Trimmfit (Core), Trimmfit (arms and legs) and balancing beam.


Station H - Mathematik

Test your coordination skills on the slackline, the balancing beam and the spring plate. Strenghten your muscles with squat vaults.


Station I - Stair running

Stair running is your task at the last station of our fitness trail.

